img The Devil Doctor  /  Chapter 5 THE NET | 15.15%
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Chapter 5 THE NET

Word Count: 3781    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

eeze was arising and sighing gently through the elms, but, screened by my hands, the flame of the match took life. It illuminated wanly the sun-b

" whisper

f wind extingu

from a series of irregular wounds. One group of these clustered upon his left temple, another beneath his right eye, and others extended from the chin down t

made my examination-an examination which that first glimpse when Forsyth ca

ith," I said huskily

nees staring dully at the disfigured bloody face which but a matter of minutes since had been that of a clean-looking British seaman. I found myself contrasting his neat, squarely trimmed moustache wi

hed, looking from Smith to me and down at that which lay between u

d struck it from the man's hand. "Wher

n his chances with the two of us, when my friend pulled a

ted harshly, "and the

opinion of the situation. He directed the light of his lanter

ing up Scotland Yard from Dr. Petrie's house, to which we shall now return to disperse it." He pointed to Forsyth. "He

ages we bore the dead man to the edge of the common, carried him across the road and into my house, wi

rden upon the

cisive way, "and the officer here might 'phone for the ambulance. I

d an instant later came running d

in the hall," I sa

k you

skin. These, as I have said, were in groups and nearly all in the form of elongated punctures; a fairly deep inc

most puzzling. Clearly enough the muscles of articulation and the respiratory muscles had been affected; and now the livid fac

body availed me nothing. The grey herald of dawn was come whe

ap from the rack when

ed, "have you

ight of the hall-way tugging

ked, but which I had learned from experience to be due to tremendous nervous excitement. At such times he could act with

milk?" he je

e question that for a momen

!" I

ou can find me some mi

escend to the

ner, Petrie, would also be welcome,

the stairhead

at you are joking, S


hought that it never occurred to me how absurd my request must have sounded. I

airs accordingly, returning with a garden tro

Smith. "If you would

n, with the trowel in his pocket, the plate of cold turbot in one hand and the milk-jug in t

you for the pi

the pistol wi

added, "but the presence of any one else might

nt upstairs to my study, watching Nayland Smith as he strode across the common in the early

ality assailed me again. Out there in the grey mist a man who was vested with powers which rendered him a law unto himself, who had the British Government behind him in all that he

way, coming in a westerly direction. Its lights twinkled yellowly through the greyness, but I was

arly to discern the figure, which, leaving the high-road, had struck-out across

denly conscious of a burning curiosity respecting this lonely traveller who travelled at an hour so strange. With no definite plan in mind, I went downstai

gorse effectually screening my approach, I came upon her, kneeling on the damp grass a

untying the bundle were slim and white, and I perceived a pair of hideous cotton gloves lying on the turf beside her. As she threw open the wrappings and l

Ancient Egypt, seemed to assail my soul. The glamour of the Orient was in that sub

said; "can I assis

er, and flung away from me with the lit

n the white fingers of this woman who wore the garments of a mendicant. My

cause for ala

coarse veil I could see how her eyes gli

scarcely audible; but it wa

ng," I said. "What strange bi

onderful intractable hair came rumpling about her face, and her glorious eyes blazed out upon me. How bea

less-evil; is there any torture to which the soul of man is subject, more pitiless? Yet this was my lot, for what past sins ass

lare that you do not kn

bled, but she

it might be an acceptable one. I looked again at the net contrivance in my hand; it had a strong spring fitted to it and a line attached. Quite obviously it was intended for snaring. "What




so much because-of what I do, as

u have chosen, very conveniently, to forget that once we

hands with a sor

d her foot. "For what I have done! But do not torture me, try to drive me mad with your reproaches-that I forget you! I tell you-again I tell you-that until you

sitive hunger for belief-or so I was sorely tem

coldly as I could. "You are a traitress; you

she blazed at me. Her

our friends. Your 'slavery'-for I take it you are posing as a slave again-is evidently not very harsh. Yo

! s

which betrayed the desert blood in her veins, she wrenched open the neck of her bodice and slipped a sof

the gifts that he

flooded my mind. For that creamy skin

, and watching me the while. I could not

s you claim, why do you give

to trust you!" she said simp

u serve this in

me from under her lashes. "Why do you question

ogic-from a woman! I

ou came here to

to the net

s; you have sa

t bi

ged her s

d strong one; could it be that some horrible fowl of the air-some creature unknown to Western naturalists-had been released upon the common last nigh

ket. Karamanèh stood watching me and biting her lip, but she made no move to check me. I opened th

terly my

company me to my hou

d my hand to grasp her. At that, the look of fear was gone and one of rebellion held its place. Ere I had time to re

but I doubted if I could outrun her. For Karamanèh ran, not like a girl used to town or even country l

hat the sheer joy of physical effort had aroused the devil in her, the dev

able could mask its beauty. I could see the red lips and gleaming teeth. Then-and it

ew day joyously. Carrying the mysterious contrivance which I had captured from the enemy, I set out in the direction of my house, my mind very busy w

ll pool having an islet in the centre. Lying at the margin of the pond I wa

water. I was filled with a sudden apprehension. Then,

ie! Shall join y

although the voice had been that of Nayland S

I cried


the direction from which the voice had see

nd, and, as I perceived him, he walked down i


are laughs i

said. "But I have made several discoveries. Do

n islet,

of London. You will observe that although you have seen it every morning for some years, it remains for a British Commissioner lately resident in

he net. "What!

ly!" I

ng gaze upon me. "Where

ed; and I related to him the circums

ut the narrative, and when, with some embarr

succinctly, "you

m I esteemed above all other men, could I accept such word

utiful toy, I grant you; but so is a cobra.

op that! Adopt another tone

playing, not only with a pretty girl who is the favourite of a Chinese N

or this was strictly just. I had

of me once, but I learned my lesson; you have failed to learn yours. If you are determined to go to pieces on the rock that brok

th," I said, feeling very crestfallen, "b

eath of a perfectly innocent man in no way concerned. Along you come and let an accomplice, perhaps a participant,

er basket, sniffin

, "do you recogn


e idea respecting

g of th

ugged his

e," he said, linki

there were that I wanted to p

en's name, were you doing on th

smiling dryly, "

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