img The Devil Doctor  /  Chapter 9 THE CLIMBER | 27.27%
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Reading History


Word Count: 1170    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

disappointment. Failure followed upon failure; for, in the grey light of the morning, our own quest c

e temples, which I set down for a record of former horrors; but deliberate, stoical, thorough, as

follow, leads to the old spot. In fact"-he turned to Smith, who, grim-faced and haggard, looked thoroughly ill in t

h no

in that direction," he rep

looked down at the

done?" he

plied. "A snake was introduced

anèh!" ra

èh," I continued firmly.

clothing. When he fell by the open door it glided out of the

"must be moved; but otherwise we can leave the place un

with a note of conscious defeat in his voice. "Nothing has been disturbed"-he swe

The clank of milk-cans was my final impression of the avenue to which a dreadful minister of death had come at the bidding

, made a pretence to breakfast; then resumed his seat in the cane armchair. Carter reported in the afternoon, but his report was merely formal. Returning from

een us, wafted towards the door by the draught from an open window. He had littered the hearth with matches and tobacco ash, being the most untidy smoker I had ever met; and save for his frequent rappings out of his pipe bowl and perpetual strikin

few patients, I busied myself collating my notes upon the renewed activity of the Yellow Doctor, and was thus engaged w

the room. I made a pretence of continuing my labours, but covertly I was watching him. He was twi

tellect has become dull. I cannot seem to think clearly or consistently. For the Doctor, this crime, this removal of Slatti


ering into my eyes. "Is it characteristic of Fu-Manchu to kill a man by the direc

ave found

ced one in some wa

death, but you must be perfectly well aware that even

is restless pac

rectify my errors of prejudice. Yet I am convinced that our presence at Slattin's house las

given you

nstable on duty at the house where the murder was committed, repo


I thought the circumsta

ficer see t

red to enter by the bath-room window, which, I am to

pt did not

ut failed to make a capture or ev

ilent for some

propose to

ers not how long-until that attempt is repeated. Quite obviously, Petrie, we have overlooked something which implicates the murderer with the murder! In short,

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