img The Golden Scorpion  /  Chapter 7 CONTENTS OF THE SEALED ENVELOPE | 22.58%
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Reading History


Word Count: 1780    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

in the study. The fire was almost out and the room seemed to be chilly. Stuart was labouring

knowledge bearing upon this most mysterious 'Scorpion' case. I clearly perceive, now, that with

rprisedly, but o

at about ten o'clock and to walk to the railway station, but, as it fell out, the party did not break up until after midnight. Declining the offer of a berth on board, I came ashore determined to make my way home by tram

ughfare which led down to the river. The sight was so utterly unexpected that I paused, looking through the rainy mist in the direction of the stationary vehicle.

. "'Well, sir, I suppose I am,' was his

r it had settled down into a brute of a night, and asked him to come in and take a glass of grog. He was only too gl

ared in the character of a patient. He had a badly damaged skull, and I gathered

led out a long stiff envelope, bearing no address but the number 30 in big red letters. It w

me when I had the spill, and I've got no means of tracing him; but he may be able to trace me if

cotland Yard?' I asked. 'Is

owner reclaims it from Scotland Yard he's less likely

rgument was beyond dispute. 'But what on earth

directly there's any inquiry I can come and collect it and get the reward; and yo

which I addressed to the Lost Property Office and put into a private drawer of my bureau. 'You wil

h moment I have not set eyes upon him. I now come to the

d it was only by dint of a palpable ef

an odd one: Mademoiselle Dorian. There is her card,"-Stuart opened a drawer and laid a visiting-card before Dunbar-"no initials and no address. She travelled in a large and handsome car. That is to say, according to my housekeeper's account it is a large and handsome car. I personally, have had but an imp

gular development, and to-n

wled man, and finally gave an account of the last visit of Mlle. Dorian. Inspect

art, "on the blotting-pad,

nding paper was charred. The wax with which Stuart had sealed it had lain uppermost, and although it had

think you would be justified in op

t the bulging note-book and also a fountain-pen with which he prepared to make entr

id n

ld of man

omewhat inclined to flesh and past

or f

e to the scalp. He had a short beard and moustache and heavily marked eyebrows. He seemed to be very short-s

wound had he

at on the occasion of his professional visit his breath smelled strongly of spirits,

sn't actua

he had recently been drinking-possibly b


cular. Quite steady

ountry should you s

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pidated, I remember, and the

eral notes. "And now-the lady

nger than she appeared to be. Judged from a European standpoint and from her a


. Fresh as


looked bla


fuzzy' with


but beautifu

hat should you judge h

the room, his head lowe

ench words with an intonation which

ill leaves a fai

learning more. She had certainly lived fo


t Oriental, but not characteristic of

e use p

iscernible. Jasmine-probabl

ent was i


say that Mrs. M'G

she has

me to the man in the hood. Can you giv

tume would produce that effect, too. I can tell you absolutely nothing furthe

a paper-knife which lay upon the table slit one end open. Inserting two fingers, he drew out the second envelope which the first enclosed. It was an ordinary commerc

two fingers-and brought forth the sole contents... a plain piece of cardboard, ro

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