img The Billionaire Ex Wife'  /  Chapter 2 2 | 9.09%
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Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1122    |    Released on: 07/11/2023


front of me. Where we lived

les. He was also looking at me with ma

ately went to his mansion. Ylona and Morgan couldn't j

hen he spoke, I looked to see who it was

to help you, ho

on't need your help. And don't call me

in door where the maids and the butler were waiting. They did

ld be my last step in this p

" They are bent down so

go to my room,"

he looked up at me, his lips parted

e said i

tell everything later. I helped H

t know what's going on and I wish He

ed to work," I promised him. He di

n you sleep beside me?" He told me weakly but with diffic

o," I told him. I looked at the door

, I will sleep there later," I said to

ill mad because I forgot our anniversa

if you need anything, I'm just in

f my nose hit his neck so I could smell him. Her perfume is still the same

ose together. I quickly left lying on his chest

aving," I

on't you let me be by your side?"

have to extend my apologies because he didn't r

I'm not your wife anymore," I whispered the last

I saw her pity and miss while looking at me


bled for a few hours wh

bout your decis

denly because of the hatred I've had for several

tlin," I

st held my breath. the resort is another one, I don't know what Y

. You know what pain he gave me," I told him weakl

you slow down because you might be the one who gets hur

rd a crash. he immediately put down the

room and walked to

?" He asked and knocked some m

get the key from her. In less than a few minutes the butle

nst the bathroom door as he closed his eyes while biting hi

hat happened?" I asked him

ftly. I looked at what he was wearing, but I looked

help me," I said to the butler

it hurt?"

wn. I closed my eyes because of wh

ah," I said annoyed and l

he pointed to, I quickly approached his kne

se put him to bed." the two nodded and supported Hercules. When th

o I could support you,"

busy," he t

called me. That's how yo

t to me. Why should I call you?" I raised

ce we broke up, he's still the same,

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