img The Layko's Book - the other werewolf story  /  Chapter 3 THE POWERS OF DOG | 8.33%
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Word Count: 3479    |    Released on: 21/12/2023

e that pleased them. In those days, after the descent of the sons of the Creator into our midst and also later, when the sons of God possessed the daughters of men and

ing good men, to the point of making them sin and die in sin, not to mention that the offspr

will not contend with him forever: he wi

y inclination of the thoughts of his heart was always and only to evil. Then the

ce of the earth, men and also animals, large and sma

wanted to save not only him, but also his desce

ssed him with fertility and Noah begat three sons: Shem, Ham and Japheth. Now the Creation was corrupt in the eyes of the Creator and full of violence o

wood: divide it into compartments and coat it with pitch inside and out. Make it one hundred and thirty-five meters long, eighty-five meters wide, and thirty-five meters hi

you will enter the ark with your sons, your wife, and your sons' wives. Bring into the ark a couple of each of the living creatures, male and female, to keep them alive with you. Of every species of bird

as God had commanded him.

d female, and one pair of every kind of unclean animal, male and female, and also take seven pairs of birds of every kind, male and female, to preserve them. them across the lan

oah, his sons, his wife, and his sons' wives entered the ark because of the waters of the Flood. Couples of large animals, clean and uncl

ed years old, a month and seventeen days, on that same day all the fountains of the great depths gushed f

, all the livestock, all the other living creatures that move along the ground and all the creatures that have wings: all the birds and all the other animals. that fly. Couples of all creatures th

the surface of the waters. The waters dominated the land more and more, and all the high mountains under the sky were covered. The waters rose to nearly seven meters ab

e earth; both men and large animals, small animals that move along the ground and the birds of the air were wiped out from th

nds dried up, Caine believed it was yet another act of the Creator to punish him for creating vampires. In this way he ordered everyone to stop treating humans like herd and he

lips. And after this rebellion that took place in Enode, vampires began to spread across the world, and each of the seven grandchildren, descended from the first vampires, created their own clans, each with their own cha

y waiting for them, not knowing whether to punish them or ally. up to him. The power of vampires was becoming extremely strong and dangerous for the world of men, the powers and principalities of heaven. One o

and the world, is still in the phase of being our best food. There is no other revelation than the ideas disseminated to confuse the wise and convince the

sn't an inspiration to anyone , spent and spends his time trying not to spread his curse, killing and burying his descendants forever. And even though he is not perfect, his rude way with humanity itself caused him great problems where he was


eing him naked, after having been drunk with the first wine made from the grapes harvested in his first vineyard. Embarrassed, Dog lef

without the awareness that I had put my whole life at risk and didn't even ask my father's permission to do so. But I was wrong and today I can only ask for your forgiveness even if my father Noah is not here to forgive me. Guilt, remorse and regret are the feelings that make my heart ache and dry. And it hurts even more for not being able to go back and change what was done. I'm going to have to live with thi

t out by a strange individual, who wore extremely white robes. This individual had promised him eternal rewards if Dog agreed to help

, led me to think that my freedom would never cease and that actions without consequences would always be at my disposal. But today, with this offer, I see that life presents us with some g

f vampires on Earth, so that the curse would not touch good men in the eyes of God. Metatron, having been permitted by God to act in secrecy, empowered Hound and his offsp

work, at the hands of humanity. Like my father, The Creator, I have always believed in man, in his potential and in his goodness, even for my brothers of light this is nothing more than naivety. This is because for me, it's more than that: it's faith! That is why nothing is created and nothing is destroyed before the Creator: everything is transformed. And that is why not only do I grant you powers, but also a profound transformation in your life, to redeem yourself not only with the

fangs, with enough strength, courage, and fury to hate and kill a vampire. Like Cain, Dog was also powerful enough to exterminate

underworld. . This is because both they and the vampires could infiltrate the midst of men and live with them without their being noticed. These new beings, in their original form, were similar to gigantic wolves that walked on tw

oughout their history carry his mark, walking in the shadow of humanity, drinking the blood of animals and men, avoiding revealing themselves so as not to be hunted and killed. And wh

eath. These beings became the zombies we know today. Humans who sought to control vampires, zombies and even the demons of hell using magic became w

s reason. But this new humanity is not justified by our limited knowledge. We can deduce, then, that you

ission over to men, at this point in the evolution of humanity, because the same they had no weapons, much less the strength to do so. So it would be impossible for men at that moment to destroy a vampire o

don't get better and kill each other as if they were squashing insects. The evil in their hearts dies and is reborn every day. The world I created is increasingly inhabited by men an

ns thirsty for evil. But Metatron even understands, because, being the human being a rational animal with free will, one of his most common irrational instincts is selfishness. That's why he and all the heavenly powers can exp

s because he was also tired of seeing men kill other men and offering the dead bodies in sacrifice to gods fruits of his imagination that took shape through clay, writing or inks. Metatron was quite concerned to see

sad conclusions: If the Creator gets fed up with humanity, he will soon get fed up with the Universe, the world and the Earth itself, until he gets fed up with being fed up. When that happens, he will exist again in the darkness of emptiness, just coherence and incoherence; consciousness and



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