img The Layko's Book - the other werewolf story  /  Chapter 4 THE BASTARD AND GLORIOUS DESCENT OF DOG | 11.11%
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Word Count: 1088    |    Released on: 21/12/2023

seed that originated in Noah's youngest son, he left many, many more within those werewolves who were left here fighting. An

rs of men, saw that the daughters of werewolves were beautiful, strong and valiant as Amazons, and they chose for themselves those who pleased them in strength, dexterity, and beauty. But

nd I will give them a longevity seven times greater than man, being prevented from liv

ize, but were born with the gift of developing fantastic powers and abilities, which gave them unique characteristics in the places where they populated the planet. These werewolves, which began to be known by me

more and more specialized in fighting evil. Then the angels of the earth regretted having taken the daughters of Ham as wives, they began to plot abou

daughters of Ham as wives, a single werewolf will be needed to make them fall to the gr

that hatred is more enduring than aversion, and the faith they possess, the made us believe that two mistakes justify a hit. The earth angels withdrew from the presence of the Creator and paid no attention to His words. But in secret they kept the ide

, unhurriedly, as if they were inside hell and hell was full, unable to receive any more souls. When they get attached to someone and they stay away for a long time, they always think that

mselves through their free will, never talk about it afterwards and nothing else bothers them after that. And to take every human being out of their personal hell is to feed them

man goes to hell and a mystical werewolf helps him back, if the human being is ungrateful to him, he doesn't look back as if he's sorry, because for the mystical werewolf, there is no right or wrong attitude, but the attitude to be taken in favor of humans. They love to cel

e image and likeness of the Creator. And unlike Ham's grandsons, who mingled with humans in order to closely watch and protect them, they were divided into tribes, which were distinguished not

the mystical werewolves were separating and spreading across the world, because for them you couldn't truly



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