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Whispers of the Enchanted moon

Whispers of the Enchanted moon

Author: sk the great
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Chapter 1 The Enchanted Prophecy of Eldoria

Word Count: 467    |    Released on: 24/12/2023

the enchanted prophecy lay dormant for centuries. Its verses, inscribed in shimmering ink that seemed to cap

escent moon and the other under the full moon, destined to break the chains of a curse that held Eldoria in its grasp. Their union,

would become a canvas for their affections, and their connection would grow stronger with each passing phase of

were fated to seek this moon, and within its glow, they would find the power to overcome the curse. The moon, a sil

boundaries between realms converged. There, they would face trials crafted by celestial forces, their commitment tested by ben

arded the path. To reach the Celestial Nexus, the lovers would need to navigate these cursed realms,

the source of the curse. Sacrifices would be made, and the power of their love, proven through trials and tribulations, w

seek a love that transcended the ordinary. As the prophecy stirred in the Library of Luminescence, the e

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