img Whispers on the shadows  /  Chapter 2 The haunting whisper | 33.33%
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Chapter 2 The haunting whisper

Word Count: 454    |    Released on: 25/12/2023

hythmic ticking of an ancient timepiece. The friends, now clustered around the ominous artifact, fel

of perception, teasing the edges of consciousness. Each friend, lost in their thoughts, dismissed the faint murm

ng secrets, fears, and regrets long buried. Elena heard the spectral voice of a lost loved one, while Marcus was tormented by the unsettling lau

ends' psyches. Shadows seemed to take form, dancing in macabre unison with the spectral voices. The mansion

tionships. Alex, once the voice of reason, succumbed to irrational fears, driven by a whisper that preyed on his deepest insecurities. Jake, typic

p. The walls bore witness to the friends' unraveling sanity, adorned with eerie symbols that pulsed in rhythm with the ethereal voices.

friends gathered once more. The haunting whispers crescendoed, revealing fragments of a sin

em. Little did they know that the malevolent force they had unleashed was only beginning to reveal its true, nightmarish nature.

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