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Chapter 3 Descent into madness

Word Count: 499    |    Released on: 25/12/2023

as the night wore on. The once-close group found themselves succumbing to the relentless onslaught of ma

hadows took on the forms of familiar faces, only to dissolve into darkness when she reached out to touch them

de-and-seek. The mansion's corridors twisted and elongated, trapping him in an ever-shifting labyrinth. Each cor

e group. The once tight-knit bonds now frayed under the weight of suspicion. Every ally became a potential adversary,

e darkness. The walls closed in on him, and the mansion itself seemed to morph into a grotesque entity, breathing with a malevolent

loop of shifting realities. Doors led to different dimensions, and the mansion's architecture twisted into Escheres

g whispers orchestrated a symphony of madness, each friend ensnared by the manifestation of their deepest fears and insecurities. Th

urred. Shadows danced with grotesque glee, and the mansion itself seemed to breathe with a malevolent life. In the corr

olence that had tainted their minds. The descent into madness, a harrowing journey through the labyrinth of fractured realities, set the st

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