img The Billionaire's Treasure  /  Chapter 1 Lose My Number! | 3.57%
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The Billionaire's Treasure

The Billionaire's Treasure

Author: Nona1
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Chapter 1 Lose My Number!

Word Count: 2769    |    Released on: 05/01/2024

ed by her superior's undue harshness, had begun to break her. As she settled into a

ack of family support cast a dark shadow over her life, a vo

s positive forecast and the expected discharge, her mother's abrupt decline and subsequent death shroude

and his resultant child to the media. In a bid to uphold a perfect image, Don bowed to societal pressures and the need to shield

was that Danny, Joanna's junior by a year, was the fruit of an illicit relationship between Don and Maria. His birth

relationship. As Joanna wrestled with her tumultuous professional life and her family's dark secret

her strained relations with her father and stepmother, and her own rol

nd overrun with memories of the tempestuous

a arbitrarily inflicted on her. The verbal attacks, name-calling, and the continual reminder that she was an

laundry, even with domestic help available. Don, was unaware of Maria's maltreatment, because he was always away

through the house, a constant reminder of Joanna's suppressed dreams. The order to kneel, the accusatory finger, and the cruel jib

upon her. Even as she sat alone on the sofa, the emotional wounds inflicted by

st wanted to talk to you briefly." Joanna looked at him and noticed that something was off with his facial expression; he seemed upset. Concerned, she asked, "Is something wrong, Samuel? You seem rather upset today. What's the matter?" Samuel sneered at her and turned the question back on her, saying, "Why don't you tell me

been faithful," Joanna protested

ed, "Look, your sister is denying everything. I told you she wouldn't agree." This turn of events left J

. She weakly inquired, "Samuel, what proof do you have of me cheating? We've been together for five years, and I've been faithful to you." Samuel retorted, "Joanna, you wouldn't let me touch you. You

graph from his mobile device, capturing a scene near the cafeteria at Joanna's workplace. This image revealed her having lunch with her male coworker. The image gave the impression of an intimate moment between

the ring and give it back, thus dec

ister. She's always been promiscuous and worthless. Being with her could spell disaster for you and your family." Samuel walked away, shouting at Joanna, "We're done, Joanna. I don't know why I wasted my time dating you. You're such a lia

d and said in a decisive tone, "Lose m

accept the possibility of her infidelity. He believed that, as a man, he could engage in extramarital affairs and that Joanna, if she discover

oanna retreated to her bed, the gravi

ce State University, her prospects seemed insignificant compared to her siblings who studied overseas. She was once promised international stud

degree in business. Two years later, she was the proud holder of an MBA, a testament to her determination and academic excellence. As she embarked

hasizing the value of practical experience. Joanna, although initially surprised, accepted the challenge, recognizing it as an opportunity to establish her identity and

up of Companies. Magnum Corporation, a pivotal part of this conglomerate, wa

ructing luxurious homes and city skyscrapers; it also ventured into the establishment of lavish hotels, resorts, and scenic golf cour

o-friendly practices. This ensured that the beauty it created would persist for future generations. Magnum was not just in construction; it was a guardian of innovation and responsible development, sewin

a gloomy shadow over her progress. Her boss, Agatha, had an unsettling connection with Joanna's stepmother, adding a layer of complexity to her work environment. A recent incident, in which

he sat in her room, staring at the ceiling, she felt the weight of the world bearing down on her. The recent end of her engagement to Samuel a

w than post-wedding. However, Samuel's abrupt decision puzzled her. Determined to solve the puzzle, Joanna

d have top management in attendance. Despite the hurdles and personal challenges, Joanna possessed a strong determination to highlight her abilities and rise above t

ore sinister path when Samuel persistently rejected her flirtatious advances. Driven by

Prone to bouts of jealousy, Samuel fell prey to her deception and believed the deceptive story spun by Tasha. Un

l, despite his usual principle of not getting involved with his fiancée's sister, accepted the proposition in an attempt to silence Tasha. Regrettably for him, Tasha did not honor her par

. With Joanna and Samuel's relationship now in ruins, Tasha sought to claim Samuel for herself. She threatened him, "

into a relationship. Initially, Samuel complied with Tasha's demands out of guilt or fear. How

er him through continued blackmail. She now held a video of their inti

y jealousy and the desire to claim her older sister's successes, enjoyed her newfound dominance. As the

cize our affair on social media, and you'll bid farewell to your peaceful days." The ominous threat lingered, leaving Samuel

threats; go ahead and expose it. I don't care," he rebuked. In an unexpected move, he decided to flip

e, "go ahead. After all, I love you. What's there to be afraid of?" She continued, spinning her own version of ev

ed, with Samuel daring to reveal their affair while Tasha, seemingly confident in her own game plan,

hama Brother Supermarket chain, a popular brand in their locality. As the first-born of the Chama linea

ectors, with the stores tactically distributed. Each brother was assigned a distinct area to supervise. Jethro Chama, Samuel's fat

ed in the anguish of his private life. His convoluted relationship with Tasha had led him to a

eorganize his thoughts. "Tasha, today has been particularly challenging for me. I need to re

not to prolong the suspense, or else I might find myself revealing your numerous indiscretions to the press." With a suggestive win

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