img Dear Contract Wife, You Are Mine  /  Chapter 5 5 | 83.33%
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Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1247    |    Released on: 19/01/2024

ine Wal

hat I wasn't seeing wrong. I mean, he told me yesterday night

t smile playing on his lips, and that threw me off because it was really crazy. This wasn't the same Mr.

sked as he raised one of his eyebrows, and I swallowed nothi

redly and wiped nothing from my face with the back of my palm. I had never

come down for it. I'll be waiting, wife," H

room. Just before I walked into the bathroom, I looked back at him and found him staring

ing against the door afterward. My heart pounded hard against my

the door. Mr. Miles was scaring me and I was beginni

e been with Oscar I've always looked forward to having a baby with him. I've always looked forward to having a child who'll be a

aily routine which included brushing my teeth and cleaning

n I walked back inside, so I went ahead to cream my

e kitchen welcomed me as I descended the staircase minutes later. My stomach grumbled hungri

hair across from him, and I gave him a long confusing

I call Adelie to do that?" He asked calmly,

g to me. From having a nightstand with my boss, to signing a marriage contract with h

" He

, throwing him peeps at every slightly given

you acting weird?" I was going to ask him, b

up his phone lying on the desk, swiped t

d to whoever called him as

Alright," He said on the phone before

Mr. Mi

Let's have dinner together when I come home tonight," He said hurrie

attend to your needs," He further said then grabb

mumbled as I recl

a'am?" I turned to find

," I replied to he

nything. I need to attend to something

rustratingly and

I'd always done before I came here. I couldn't just allow A

een on, so I reached out for it and sank on the bed. Two missed calls a

it together. I'll come over to pick you up soon. Send me your address, then get dressed and wait for me' I read

g a nurse, Lily was from an average wealthy family. She ha

e on my phone and was going to send it to her when I recalled that

spotted his number, I dialed it. I waited for him to answer as the phon

end and the call disconnected immediately. Again, I was left shocked. Mr. Miles never r

out with my friend, Lily' I texted him, an

g. Take care, and make sure you share me your live location'

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