img Steal Mr. Vampire Of My Friend  /  Chapter 5 Chop Her Up | 41.67%
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Chapter 5 Chop Her Up

Word Count: 1854    |    Released on: 25/01/2024

t in his eyes was evident. His dark blue eyes w

concerned about." With a contemptuous

back, but she didn't dare to retort. This

d why Richard would le

ed through Twitter, only to find that the previous news about th

jor news just disap

o when she was still a distance away from the company, she got out of the ca

rip with Mr. Richard?" she thought that al

into the elevator, "Mr. Richard has

big company, Richard had many responsibilities and wouldn't have just on

g a gentle dimple. Secretary Steven stared

g at Helen. In an instant, her expression turned cold and she put on a stern face. Unbeknowns

ample work experience, but why did you come up with such a ch

ence. They glanced at Christine, th

her leaving with Mr. Richard that day. Christine

aight and asked, "Christine, what's wrong with my proposal? I've adjusted it according to the sup

? Do you think you can deceive me just because the supervisor isn't here? I clearly stated that our tar

ave to choose a pink design." Helen was a bit disdainful. "Young girls don't ne

ink, and this statement hit her right i

ty-six, older than Helen, but Helen

r hair. The scene became chaotic, with Christine pinning Helen to the ground and if someone ha

k band-aid. Helen was stunned for a moment, and Bella qui

o, don't mind it," Be

ked with a bitter smile, "Does she always

lked with Mr. Richard that day. W

if she didn't have some background, she feared these peo

cs can be qui

lassmates with Mr. Ric

" Bella exclaimed, her e

he waste paper into the

ver discussed in the company, we have no idea. No wonder he

lightly thoughtful, and her tone turned somewhat ingratiat

e celebrity," Helen said. Otherwise, how

ou afraid of Christine? She's just someone with a small shareholding in the compan

stronger than that of an

is is my personal matter, please don't tell anyone. I

otion with her mouth,

and saw Helen, immediately expr

ple of steps closer. Suddenly, he stopped and stared

down her spine as Secretary Steven continued to stare. She couldn't h

is to Mr. Richard. HR will handle it. You should go home a

alked away, entering the elevator

ne's fingernails, it shouldn't be

HR manager personally came to inform her about her leave. Christine

ing gazes of her colleagues, Hel

ith nothing to do. Helen thought for a m

omething she liked. The Brown Family had chefs and a butler, so cooking was not her responsibility.

waited outside the supermarket

lasses and asked her


iked it that way. In the past, when taking a cab, she would occasionally encounter talkative drivers wh

this route a

ave turned left, but he was turning right in

river's voice lowered, carr

g, "Please pull over,

iver continued drivi

, or I'll cal

ng Helen to lose her balance. Her phone fell into a gap. She reached out

r grandmother used to simmer in the kitchen during her childhood. Cinnamon and star a

ntersected by steel pipes with rust spots. She turned her head and saw

not? I can't w

alked in. When he saw Helen wake up, he approached with a smi

talking about? Chopping her up? Helen looked at his malicious smile and struggled hard to sit

a face covered in scales, with brownish-yellow eyeballs and diamond-shaped

t's too fragrant. This is the incredibly rare Divine Grass that appears once in a hundred

ed here? Although she was unable to move, she could feel vividly that this was not a dream. Her limbs were we

thought it was ready. He said, "Go c

wait and walked over to

"No... please..." Her hoarse and unpleasant voice was as weak as a mosquito, not even

n's clothes off. However, the skinny man stopped him, "D

and grasped one of Helen's ar


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