img The Female Prince  /  Chapter 1 Prologue | 8.33%
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The Female Prince

The Female Prince

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Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 689    |    Released on: 28/01/2024

he moan and groan of a

ee the head of the baby." The midwi

egina replied panting hard li

ut I promise". Sonia the midwife persu

ushed really hard to the extent he

rushed to bring the child out cutting it's umbilical cord before wrappin

e room and Queen Regina smiled brightly l

d not forget to ask one important thing; the gender of the baby that

e baby Sonia?". Queen

na's anxious voice but soon compo

oing to grow up to become a beautiful

ring for her present condition."It can't be, tell me you're jo

you can take a look yourself if you want-". She was interrupted by the shrill cries

Queen Regina her baby and of course the sound of crying w

ds and sighed in disappointment due to t

all suffer the consequences".The Queen threatened Sherry who nodded her head in agreement. She knew the Q

ad to be a male, a prince and not a princess because princes were usually the ones to take over and rule while princesses were used to make an ally by marrying them off to ot

t stay hidden forever because eventually your child is going to grow up to

ecause I once heard of a potion that could stop a girl from developing features of a woman but make her develope features of a man instead exists and I would find that pot

now what plans her

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