stful gaze of an old man, who had a big fat belly, ugly face, bead eyes, and hairless head. His lustful smile in the multi-colored dim
to her head. She felt ashamed of letting herself to be seen naked by another stranger. From under the cover, Aysel heard an angry hiss from her partner as he went down the bed. "Who the hell are you?" He barked infuriatingly, for he had been interrupted in the middle of his sweet actions. "Where is she!" The stranger demanded, his drunken hoarse voice resonating in the room, sending chills down Aysel's spine immediately she heard his demanding tone. She had never heard of such a dominating and fearsome voice before. She wondered who he was searching for to sound enraged. "Where is who? There is no one here. Get the hell outta here, you are not welcome," The old man angrily demanded. However, he felt intimidated by his chilling tone, penetrating gaze, and body build, which was around 6'2 feet tall, towering over him. Deciding to stand his ground, he pushed the unwanted stranger out of his room but got shoved away effortlessly by the latter before he could even reach out to him. " Scarlet!" The stranger yelled out in his drunken stupor, his eyes surveying the dimmed room till they fell upon the roughened bed covers. With long and decisive strides, he walked toward the bed, not bothering to uncover the duvet to see who was underneath it. He recklessly threw her over his shoulder and trotted out of the room. Aysel gasped, her eyes almost falling out of their sockets the instant she felt herself being flung over a well-built and firm body. 'What the fuck is this bastard doing?!' Aysel yelled in her head. She had the urge to scream for help before she got abducted by him but she didn't want to be seen unclothed by more people so she remained quiet, silently hoping for a miracle to occur. The old man blocked the stranger's path before he could leave, only to be heartlessly kicked on his tummy by the stranger's latest collection of corporate shoes, sending him flying till his back hit the walls of the hallway roughly. A scream erupted in the hallway as the old man whined in pain, clutching his aching fat tummy as he rolled over on the ground. "Do you dare block my path?" he questioned, tilting his head as he gave the old man a scrutinizing glare. "No one ever messes with Anthony Garcia, for they won't live long to tell the tale. Take this as a w