n cage of a
tangled, my h
strong, yet a
oul, in the s
looking out, I
another, a se
asunder, betwe
unfurled, its b
partner, lo
ts wandered,
sire, a flame
s of longing,
aitor, a prisone
uty, by pr
silence the
for more, for
of my heart,
spoken, a tr
a touch, a
ecrets, a hidde
web of tangl
the treach
loyalty, des
f shadows, m
bury the fe
love I prom
wants what it
rned for him
nes of a lov
e in the mome
ances, st
ance with for
e looking in, I
wined, in the
yed beyond, t
iangle, comp
e weight of a s
f my soul, wher
poken, a l
of night, a s
ts" is the nam
love that en
f a storm, a t
anscends, a fo