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Chapter 9 Eight

Word Count: 1536    |    Released on: 24/02/2024

d with people who don't know the time, as well as car horns and vehicle fumes, which cause environmental pollution. However, that was all in the past. I feel like I'm still al

at I am a different woma

hat feel more and more real day by day. The wound that had almost completely healed now opened again, leaving behind excruciating pain. The sedatives I

still w

, I can appreciate the touching raindrop-skinned cheeks as I look at the structure built in the 18th century, painted red brick, which looked very well maintained. The roof

a warm impression as if welcoming the never-ending winter. The paint is also not far from the primary color, like on the front. A receptionist with a

said. "Sorry, my friend has alread

ctor Margaretha one by one about the bad memories that kept coming back. Emilia's anger towards me, Mr. Jhonson, until the momen

? Your mom often tells me stories," said Doctor Margaretha, looking at me closely. "Maybe your nightmare stems from fear when Mr. Jo

have a problem with the gossip that spreads, but I'm just furious with his behavior. I'm just afra

t solution, but here--" she pointed at her left chest without removing that motherly gaze. "If your heart can fight, then your b

opening a box of memories, especially when he locked us in a narrow room. Together and surrounded by the aroma of coffee beans. Mr At that time, Johnson asked why I

until the blood flow in the body suddenly stops, including the brain. For a moment, my brain moved again to form a pattern

until it pushed my lungs upwards. My body was shivering and hot at the sa

ks. "I fainted when he kissed me, Doc. And..

at my face, and said, "You're bl

d blush on my cheeks that I bought with Emil

one of the exposure

re?" I

rapy requires you to face situations related


s are no longer effective, Lizzie. Your trauma... we all have trauma, darling. That feeling will get bigger i

rupted. "I can't be ar

can't keep hiding in your shell forever, Lizzie. I believe you are a great and strong woman who is also

ust be in a circle with Mr. Johnson. Strangely, why doesn'

d with my trauma, would it

etha. "I heard from several articles that the Johnson family is respected and

nd out everyone's social media down to its roots with just one name. W

try it," I answ

ready. Everything will go well if your heart believe

anks for list


t and was surprised when the figure I was talking about with Doctor Margaretha was standing in a casual suit exce

e cr

remembering that he was the big boss wh

s squeezed the bag strap tightly, and my eyelids suddenly couldn't blink whe

. Khan," he said softly

," I said, snatching the flowers. "Thank

enjoy the evening, Ms. Khan." He rolled his eyes while

to a luxury car that gleamed under the dim lights. But r


n't faint, please. He just held my hand to get i

nson!" I

ed in s

said, breaking free, then ran into the apartment as fast as I c

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