getting up from the chair. - I asked room service to sterilize the bottle and wrote down the instructions. It's next to the milk can. - I can't thank you enough. - It is not necessary. Do good with
ave become protected here. - He blinks his eyes exaggeratedly, and I want to get stuck in his hair and rip it out strand by strand. -What is this crazy woman talking about, Ângelo? - Can we go down a little? - he asks, but I realize that I have no choice. He drags me by the arm down the hall, while the cow enters the same room as I am. It was just what I was missing. I follow her in silence until we reach the hotel lobby. It's a low-key place and it's not too crowded, which is good for the band. From the time I've been working with them, I've realized that they're not these boring celebrities who make a million demands. - Two beers please. - A water - I intercept my friend's request. - I can't drink, tomorrow I have to study. - I smile at the waiter and wait until we are alone. - Can you explain to me now what all this talk about being called a bitch is? - You spent the night out, then left with the drummer. Everyone is saying that Clóvis gave you so the guy could have fun. - What? - I shout, and Ângelo signals with his hand for me to keep it down. - It's not possible that these people have nothing to do but gossip. - Calm down, Ju. - Place your hand on top of mine affectionately. - It was mean of Patrícia, I agree, but I confess that I was worried about her disappearing, and I ended up thinking that... - Nothing much happened - I hiss angrily. - Thanks. - I wave to the waiter, take a sip of water and face my friend. - I understand that people think something like that about me, but you, Ângelo? Do you really think I would sleep with a guy because my shitty boss told me to? - Sorry. I should never have considered something like that. - Raise the glass of beer, and taste it, head down. At least he has the decency to look embarrassed. - After we split up to find the guy - I decide to explain in parts, because I really like Ângelo and I don't want him to worry - the guy was in big trouble. I needed help, and I still do. It was just tha