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Reading History

Chapter 7 7

Word Count: 1475    |    Released on: 06/03/2024

, "Now come, I'll show you the rest o


Kamilla, and Katalin had no reason to speak to each other; t

troduced properly, their hostile gazes hadn't changed from when she first entered, very much like Kamilla's hadn't. When it was just Katalin, Kamilla, and herself, females would look at her, thei

not that she was actually looking at it. How dare she talk about the Moon Goddess like that? She has done nothing but protect the wolves for many millennia, yet

," Jessica thought as she con


ed the café; Jessica did her best to not even flinch when she

in the car and Kamilla watching them

a told her quickly, catch

ck so we can talk in private." She grabbed Jessica's hand before

hot to anyone, "You were so restless last night, and when you

sadly, "...I can't r

l?" Kathy asked, concer


by a c



. N

?" Kathy

n a silent yet deep breath before

d before blinking and shook her head, narrowing


ose guys last night had, and frankly, I don't like it,


ou. Do you know anyone a part of protective services, because I


r me? It will be safe there," Kathy's emotions

turned her voice to a whisper once again, "I have to quit Kathy. I know what you saw last

es for anything different. After awhile, she relented

I'm here. In fact," She took her pen and paper and scribbled something down before handing it to her, "Call me. There's m

e smile, Jessica

, and returned with a check, "It's not that m

Jessica's sunken heart su

happy she wore her scarf that day. If she had


ld them before the

through the rear vie

Motel 6 to check out

ave an agitated huff and drove

and headed for


ing in, she looked around and took in the scent. It still smelt like her, letting her know

d gotten use to the human trait of making it on her own, to have to worry about yourself and only yourself, and that every thing you had, you earned an

two things she's earned on her own, even if she never was able to call Kathy nor cash it

ica's depression. It will be

cided against the instincts of her wolf, "But w

en the bus right through the Delaney territory to get to Jackson. If she wanted to leave without them catching her, she would have to flee west to Idaho, facing the Rocky Mountains and th

don't have to run. Just stay

ad now," Jessica told her, putting her bac

ed and went to her r

the man and his wolf and how they called to her mind, body, and soul. T

e. Even though her other self came back to the surface of her thoughts whenever she thought about him and wanted him, she p

wrapping her tightly into his warm 6-pack chest, basking in his scent

the ideas and the heat from her legs as she went for the door. With one l

t back in the car smoothly, "I'm finished." Witho

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