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Heartless Alphas Unperfect Mate

Heartless Alphas Unperfect Mate

Author: Eva Hayes
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Chapter 1 Chapter 1

Word Count: 1435    |    Released on: 27/03/2024


yyyy Birthdayyyyyy too YOUUUUUU". My brothers sang, loud and off key I might add. Ye

we are sorry. Right Anthony?" Anthony looks at us "hmmm what? Oh yea, he's sorry. I'm not. That was some good ice cream." He sprints to the door before I can hit him. Like I said, Idiots. Haha I blow out my candles, take the balloons, and connect the video camera to my computer so I can download the video later. This has been the routine ever since I was 10. Before then, we had nanny's waking us up. But, soon we didn't need them anymore. The boys leave to get ready for school, and work. While I have a day off, and class was cancelled, I sit in my room eating my delicious Oreo ice cream cake. My eyes wonder around my room but land on the one and only photo. We each have a copy of our own, but mines is the original. It's my dad, my mom, laughing and kissing while the boys and I are covered in mud. Kyle was 9 at the time. Anthony and Henry were 7 and I was 5. That summer is when mom was killed. We don't know how, or why. Dad just came home, packed up all our things and we moved from New York City to a Small town called "Green Bay". It wasn't until I was 10, the twins were 12, and Kyle was 14 that he told us mom died. He never really went into detail. Dad was always one for secrets. Shaking my head of all thoughts I decided to go for a run. Knowing Kyle would want to go with me, I decide to tell him to go get change. As I'm walking up to his room I smell this cologne. And it doesn't take a genius to know who that belongs to. Dad. I can't believe he's home. Although I love my dad he's always been a strict person. Only speak when spoken to. Knock before entering a room. Respect those who are above you. Never ask questions, just obey. Failure to do so will result in punishment. Since we always listen, we've never been punished. Last but not least, Never go anywhere alone. I've never understood that but, I never questioned it either. I can feel my heart beating as his smell gets stronger. But it's not leading to Kyles room, it's leading to the study. I wipe my hands on my pj's, pat my curly hair down, fix my shirt, and make sure my breath smells ok. I clear my

o stood confidently and now, terrifying even to me. They had a blank expression, and crossed arms. "Where" they both said. "Study with Kyle. But he said to go running with me, because you know the rules" I said with crossed arms. "Never go anywhere alone." Again they both said.

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