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Chapter 6 6

Word Count: 1349    |    Released on: 25/04/2024


was completely discounting the advice o

d use to buy groceries. Of course, I knew this was a lie,

learned that the problem had been with him long since before his wife died. He ma

f trying, but I had to do something. I appreciated the man for keeping me safe a

you for giving me a ride, but he seemed so elusive, and judging from his demeanor from the phone call that he received,

or behaving so strangely. But I came to realize that ever

seem like I could separate it from my life entirely.

phone harshly into my hand. A quick glance at the screen told me that Pablo

eatening to come here or telling me that I should send him money

that Guiseppe would have a field day yelling at me, especially since he was disgraced by Damon


came by in a blur before coming

ps if it was another professor, I could have easily

nk me from his class. I needed his class as it was the one with the most credi

u can copy mine." With a sigh of

t you do yours

st week before I ran out," I explained truthfully. He released us, but in normal Giovann

est way of catching people who

replied. "Oh," she said. "Yeah, it's okay, it's fi


tarts in three hours

hrowing on a random t-shirt and a random pair of jeans, I rushed out of my apartment. I was only halfway dow

ed Vi

bag. I double-checked and triple-checked to see if my laptop was inside so I could a

id as she opened the

. Updating the software was a constant pain, but I decided that when I had more money, I would buy another. Hopef

. I worked on it for almost an hour before I was satisfied that the professor wouldn't flag it for pl

ail that contained my assignment. My heart thundered in my chest as he

it's not remarkable." He looked at me. "I expect more f

to the arena. There was no work for me that day because somehow, in

pe's voice yelling at me to do somethi

my Periphery a black car that was moving slowly by the roadside. The alley was to

ng slowly. I was certain the car was following me, so I brok

run I bumped into a wall tha

bed my ass I feel li

ice say. I froze a bit hearing Isabella until I loo

up even though I didn't take it pulling m

e source of the voice came out to reveal a tall blonde woman. Damon smi

hing in her ear causing her to laugh as I sa

d side stepped them

initely the sound of the name. Isabel

r and trepidation as a co

asked to myself a

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