img Mafia King's Lost Princess  /  Chapter 4 4 | 1.80%
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Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1759    |    Released on: 25/04/2024


I woke up the next morning under a cloud of depressi

r was gray and bleak. My shoulders slumped, and my lips turned downward

rom eight years ago? O

d his never-ending calls for money, I would have been in

money I made from betting and sending to Pablo, I would save up

by fat droplets of rain. "Holy virgin, c

off over the weekend, so I attempted to take my time walking and risked g

it had come at this awkward time; it was that my

could actually hear me, the rain soon reduced its intensity

hispered to myself. If it was wet, I would be

t I was always next to broke, no thanks to Pablo. Ad

had still not arrived. The man was normally ea

frown on his face as he muttered under his breath. His anger would typic

s hop

ing on and on about one definitio

monopolize his students' time. This, of course, was bad for me, c

words he said, but a quick glance at the cloc

hat he would speed up his academic rambles about why p

ushed as I was. There were, and I was glad to find them, but it didn't seem like we w

at the restaurant. Of course, there was no way I was going to make it in time,

n though I knew I was going to be late, I hoped that

ant, panting heavily. My breath was catching i

way to the back of the restaurant, which served

the restaurant's uniform for waiters, before I tied the large black ap

y out. My head was aching, and my hand contained little strands of my hair from combing it

ked into the service entrance at the back as

before he mumbled incoherently under his breath and shove

as we could all feel the tension like crackling energy

, I purposely hid every time I saw him approaching. Of course, this meant

again, I edged into the dining area and started walking to the

mpty, save for one. I quickly grabbed the cup and turned around. Bad timing. A wave of

A large arm was snaked around my wa

tickling my ears and sending a jolt down my spine. My eyes fluttered

cled chest and pushing slightly. He didn't budge. With a fr

found myself wanting to hear more of it, along

lose to my ears. I bobbed my head up and down, not

r arms are so warm. Can you hold me like that again? You have such a love

," he concluded, his

ive him that

ctual words. He must have thought there was something wrong wit

with a bit more force, signaling that

elf from the loss of his body against mine. This was not the time to have attachment iss


s I was about to return to work, I bumped into my overly

carrying a plate of pasta. Worried, I looked over to her before

ed as he steadily increased his volume. I

insults at me, ranging from how blind I was t

led to understand whether or not he hated red altogether. He raised his

protest, the door to the kitch

or me to eat in peace," he sa

's expression, only to find him with

to get back to work. I turned and scurried deeper i

s, I was able to move freely. Work didn't end until 8:00 that evening, and it was only because i

ficult among the crowd, so I decide

I walked some distance away from the bus station, in a general direction towards my apartment, and


ope and walk the whole journey home, I hear

," Damo

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