img The Green Rust  /  Chapter 6 Mr. Scobbs Of Red Horse Valley | 18.75%
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Chapter 6 Mr. Scobbs Of Red Horse Valley

Word Count: 2525    |    Released on: 11/11/2017

taxi-cab save as the guest of some other person who paid. He travelled by tube or omnibus from the Bayswater Road, where he lived what he described as his privat

tune.""Have you raised it?"Mr. White sniffed his objection to this direct examination."My broker has very kindly realized the debentures--I am--ah--somewhat indebted to him, and it was necessary to secure his permission and--yes, I have the money at my bank."He gazed benignly at the other, as one who conferred a favour by the mere bestowal of his confidences."First, doctor--forgive me if I am a little cautious; first I say, it is necessary that I should know a little more about your remarkable scheme, for remarkable I am sure it is."The doctor poured out a whisky and soda and passed the glass to his visitor, who smilingly waved it aside."Wine is a mocker," he said, "nothing stronger than cider has ever passed my lips--pray do not be offended.""And yet I seem to remember that you held shares in the Northern Saloon Trust," said the doctor, with a little curl of his bearded lips."That," said Mr. White hastily, "was a purely commercial--ah--affair. In business one must exploit even the--ah--sins and weaknesses of our fellows.""As to my scheme," said the doctor, changing the subject, "I'm afraid I must ask you to invest in the dark. I can promise you that you will get your capital back a hundred times over. I realize that you have heard that sort of thing before, and that my suggestion has all the appearance of a confidence trick, except that I do not offer you even the substantial security of a gold brick. I may not use your money--I believe that I shall not. On the other hand, I may. If it is to be of any use to me it must be in my hands very soon--to-morrow."He wandered restlessly about the room as he spoke, and jerked his sentences out now to Mr. White's face, now over his shoulder."I will tell you this," he went on, "my scheme within the narrow interpretation of the law is illegal--don't mistake me, there is no danger to those who invest in ignorance. I will bear the full burden of responsibility. You can come in or you can stay out, but if you come in I shall ask you never to mention the name of the enterprise to a living soul.""The Green Rust Syndicate?" whispered Mr. White fearfully. "What--ah--is Green Rust?""I have offered the scheme to my--to a Government. But they are scared of touching it. Scared, by Jove!" He threw up his arms to the ceiling and his voice trembled with passion. "Germany scared! And there was a time when Europe cringed at the clank of the Prussian sword! When the lightest word of Potsdam set ministries trembling in Petrograd and London. You told me the other day you were a pacifist during the war and that you sympathized with Prussia in her humiliation. I am a Prussian, why should I deny it? I glory in the religion of might--I believe it were better that the old civilization were stamped into the mud of oblivion than that Prussian Kultur should be swept away by the licentious French, the mercenary English----""British," murmured Mr. White."And the dollar-hunting Yankees--but I'm making a fool of myself."With an effort he regained his calm."The war's over and done with. As I say, I offered my Government my secret. They thought it good but could not help me. They were afraid that the League would come to learn they were supporting it. They'll help me in other ways--innocent ways. If this scheme goes through they will put the full resources of the State at my disposal."Mr. White rose, groped for his hat and cleared his throat."Dr.--ah--van Heerden, you may be sure that I shall--ah--respect your confidence. With your very natural indignation I am in complete sympathy."But let us forget, ah--that you have spoken at all about the scheme in any detail--especially in so far as to its legality or otherwise. Let us forget, sir "--Mr. White thrust his hand into the bosom of his coat, an attitude he associated with the subtle rhetoric of statesmanship. "Let us forget all, save this, that you invite me to subscribe L40,000 to a syndicate for--ah--let us say model dwellings for the working classes, and that I am willing to subscribe, and in proof of my willingness will send you by the night's post a cheque for that amount. Good night, doctor."He shook hands, pulled his hat down upon his head, opened the door and ran into the arms of a man whose hand was at that moment raised to press the electric bell-push by the side of the door.Both started back."Excuse me," mumbled Mr. White, and hurried down the stairs.Dr. van Heerden glared at the visitor, white with rage."Come in, you fool!" he hissed, and half-dragged the man into his room, "what made you leave Scotland?""Scotland I hate!" said the visitor huskily. "Sticking a fellow away i

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