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Chapter 8 The Crime Of The Grand Alliance

Word Count: 2508    |    Released on: 11/11/2017

zvous. Its great palm-court was crowded at the tea-hour and if, as the m

erplexed. "Aren't the police searching for Jackson?""I do not think that it is in the interests of justice that they should find him," he said gravely. "I place the utmost reliance on him. I am sending Mr. Jackson to a farm in Ontario kept by a medical friend of mine who has made a hobby of dealing with dipsomaniacs."He met her eyes unfalteringly."Dr. van Heerden," she said slowly, "you are sending Mr. Jackson to Red Horse Valley."He started back as if he had been struck in the face, and for a moment was inarticulate."What--what do you know?" he asked incoherently.His face had grown white, his eyes tragic with fear. She was alarmed at the effect of her words and hastened to remove the impression she had created."I only know that I heard Mr. Jackson through the ventilator of my flat, saying good-bye to you the other night. He mentioned Red Horse Valley----"He drew a deep breath and was master of himself again, but his face was still pale."Oh, that," he said, "that is a polite fiction. Jackson knows of this inebriates' home in Ontario and I had to provide him with a destination. He will go no farther than----""Why, curse my life, if it isn't the doctor!"At the sound of the raucous voice both looked up. The man called Jackson had hailed them from the centre of the hall. He was well dressed, but no tailor could compensate for the repulsiveness of that puckered and swollen face, those malignant eyes which peered out into the world through two slits. He was wearing his loud-check suit, his new hat was in his hand and the conical-shaped dome of his head glistened baldly."I'm cursed if this isn't amiable of you, doctor!"He did not look at the girl, but grinned complacently upon her angry companion."Here I am "--he threw out his arms with an extravagant gesture--"leaving the country of my adoption, if not birth, without one solitary soul to see me off or take farewell of me. I, who have been--well, you know, what I've been, van Heerden. The world has treated me very badly. By heaven! I'd like to come back a billionaire and ruin all of 'em. I'd like to cut their throats and amputate 'em limb from limb, I would like----""Be silent!" said van Heerden angrily. "Have you no decency? Do you not realize I am with a lady?""Pardon." The man called Jackson leapt up from the chair into which he had fallen and bowed extravagantly in the direction of the girl. "I cannot see your face because of your hat, my dear lady," he said gallantly, "but I am sure my friend van Heerden, whose taste----""Will you be quiet?" said van Heerden. "Go to your room and I will come up to you.""Go to my room!" scoffed the other. "By Jove! I like that! That any whipper-snapper of a sawbones should tell me to go to my room. After what I have been, after the position I have held in society. I have had ambassadors' carriages at my door, my dear fellow, princes of the royal blood, and to be told to go to my room like a naughty little boy! It's too much!""Then behave yourself," said van Heerden, "and at least wait until I am free before you approach me again."But the man showed no inclination to move; rather did this rebuff stimulate his power of reminiscence."Ignore me, miss--I have not your name, but I am sure it is a noble one," he said. "You see before you one who in his time has been a squire of dames, by Jove! I can't remember 'em. They must number thousands and only one of them was worth two sous. Yes," he shook his head in melancholy, "only one of 'em. By Jove! The rest were"--he snapped his fingers--"that for 'em!"The girl listened against her will."Jackson!"--and van Heerden's voice trembled with passion--"will you go or must I force you to go?"Jackson rose with a loud laugh."Evidently I am _de trop_," he said with heavy sarcasm.He held out a swollen hand which van Heerden ignored."Farewell, mademoiselle." He thrust the hand forward, so that she could not miss it.She took it, a cold flabby thing which sent a shudder of loathing through her frame, and raised her face to his for the first time.He let the hand drop. He was staring at her with open mouth and features distorted with horror."You!" he croaked.She shrunk back against the wall of the alcove, but he made no movement. She sensed the terror and agony in his voice."You!" he gasped. "Mary!""Hang you! Go!" roared van Heerden, and thrust him back.But though he staggered back a pace under the weight of the other's arm, his eyes did not leave the gi

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