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The Fire Of Werewolf Love

The Fire Of Werewolf Love

Author: HC Dolores
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Chapter 1 Gunshots in the room

Word Count: 1155    |    Released on: 10/06/2024

eating a mysterious aura that sent chills down her spine. The house was filled with strange sounds, such as the hiss of the wind sweeping through

pened, revealing a spacious living room with classical ornaments and luxurious furniture that looked like obj

ooking man. The man wore a black cloak that fluttered behind him as he held Sarah

sked Sarah in a

coldly, "You don't need to know who I am. All you

p was so firm that she felt helpless. She f

ar, like gasps and the roar of the wind that sent chills down her spine. They fina

g black hair sitting on a gold-embellished chair.

, like a beast about to pounce on its prey. His eyes we

ll you who I am and what my powers are. I am Lucian, the werewolf mafia. I have gambl

when her days were ordinary and without threats like this. She felt humiliated an

ah to sit in front of him.

voice full of emotion, trying to cont

arah. "You must fulfill my request. I need a

ate now at the mercy of a man who seemed to know no mercy

o as I command. You will learn to submit to

was no escape. She knew that fighting Lucian was a stupid

ng to convince herself she could find an

ill soon learn that there is no escap

way to survive in this dark and dangerous world whil

ame to Sarah's room with a small plate of food steaming warmly. Sarah sat in the corner of

ed. "I hope you can take it. It would help if you had strength,"

thing invisible to the ordinary eye. Lucian tried to s

tead of being treated like this!" exclaimed Sa

h a frightening intensity. "Are you sure?" asked Lu

, but not Lucian. He took in the expression on Sarah's face as if to find out t

n't make any rash decisions. Your life is in

n't c

e held back his anger, trying to control his overflowing emotions. H

wolf bodyguard immediately entered Sarah's room, staring at the girl with an unfriendly gaze

dark, with only faint light from a lamp. In the center of the room, her hands wer

sphere of tension in the room. He held a gun in a threatening m

ng her hands gave her little room to move. She looked at

e as sharp as a wolf's eyes during a hunt. "If you really want to die, I wil

ng to calm her racing heartbea

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