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Sold To The Lycan King (Little Mate)

Sold To The Lycan King (Little Mate)

Author: Pen Write
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Chapter 1 First encounter with mate

Word Count: 2273    |    Released on: 26/06/2024

the pack lake. It was the place Marcel and I had agreed to meet up every night. A smile crept on my face, as I inhaled the fresh air, which I always longed to have every minute. I never

mine feel so small, and then he grasped my chin between his fingers and forced me to gaze up into his dark eyes. His touch sent tingles throughout my entire body, making me feel things that I shouldn’t feel for a stranger. “Because if he was, I’m going to have to take care of him. Aren’t I?” he asked, fingers digging into my chin. So dominant, so chillingly dominant. I gathered all my senses, cocked a brow, and pushed his hand away. “Aren’t you what?” I scoff, looking him up and down. “Going to act all ruthless and merciless just because I’m your mate and you’re some”—sexy—“egotistical asshole who thinks he owns me?” When he growled, his eyes flashing a breathtaking wolf gold, I forced myself to look away. Mom had told me never to settle for someone who thought they owned me. To her, I deserved more than that. “Not interested,” I said, but as soon as the words left my mouth, my heart started thrashing in my chest. Maybe it was the way he stared at me, like he wanted to devour me, or the way I wanted to let him, but he made me nervous. More nervous than I had ever been. My gaze landed on the lake again, and I tried to admire the rippling reflection of the moon. He snatched my jaw in his hand this time and stepped closer until he pressed himself into my side. I could feel every muscle of his front. Every muscle. And I inhaled deeply, pushing my thighs closer together. He caressed my cheek with his thumb. He was a daunting gentle, the kind that told me that though he wasn’t thrusting himself upon me like any other wolf would at the first sight of his mate he controlled this conversation, the kind that told me he could snap at any moment, the kind that made me wet. “Pretty,” he said against my ear, voice husky. His hand slipped from my jaw to my throat. “Look at you pretty …” He drew his nose up the side of my neck. “My mate acting like she hasn’t been turned on since the moment she laid her eyes on me.” I gulped and stared up at him, my wolf purring at his touch. He lightly trailed his fingers down my forearm until he reached the front of my thighs. Heat warmed my core as they lingered right over the front of my pants. A voice told me to run away but my feet remained glued to the ground. He brushed his thumb over my pussy. “Acting like she’s not wet for me,” he mumbled . I clamped down harder and cursed the Moon Goddess for my innate attraction to him. He pressed his hardness against my thigh and let me feel every inch of him. “Acting like my possessiveness isn’t making her clench right now.” Fuck! Heavens knows I’m trying to keep it all in. I gathered all the strength I had left in me and firmly pushed my hands into his taut chest. “You know what? I am horny. My pussy is wet. And I need you” I dug my fingers into his muscle, devouring his wolf’s golden eyes with my own. Then, I tilted my head to the side and sneered at him. “But you’re not going to do a damn thing about it.” He chuckled and grabbed my wrists, stepping closer, a strand of his dark hair curling onto his forehead. “Oh, I’m not?” “No,” I said, wrapping my fingers around his and inhaling the captivating scent of hazelnut, “you’re not.” “Would you rather have your Marcel touch you like this then?” He released his grip on my wrists, dipped one hand between my legs, and rubbed his fingers against my pussy through my pants. What the fuck!! My eyes widened, my pussy aching. When I didn’t answer him, he clenched his jaw. “Huh? Is that what Marc is for? Making my mate come? Making my mate feel good?” My heart pounded against my chest. He stared down at me with golden embers in his brown eyes and … laughed. I tensed and grabbed his wrist, my core pulsing. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. This wasn’t what I was expecting. “Go ahead, pretty.” He rubbed sweet, torturous cir

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