img Sold To The Lycan King (Little Mate)  /  Chapter 3 All mine | 60.00%
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Chapter 3 All mine

Word Count: 2177    |    Released on: 26/06/2024

Goddess herself. She lay next to me, her chest rising and falling with each heavy breath she took. The water from the lake just barely wet my heels. I watched her close her big blue eyes in utter b

and luckily, my parents wasn’t home. I sneaked back into my room. “Moaw” I heard the sound of Riri my cat. I smiled and carried her while rubbing her fur. A minute turned into hours and soon I slept off. I woke up the next day with no sight of mom and dad which was strange. I felt so disturb and I knew something was wrong. I would've gone out to search for them, but they already pleaded to never step out of the house, no matter what happens, the reason behind that, is still a mystery, which I'm yet to understand, and I'm already dying of curiosity. Letting out a sigh, I yawned hungrily. My stomach wouldn't stop grumbling violently, I haven't eaten anything since yesterday, so I don't blame my tiny bowel to be making noise. “What’s going on!” I whispered. “ Mom. Dad” I looked out of the window. The park seems to be so quiet today and I wondered what’s wrong. Soon, I heard footsteps and some hefty men walked in. “Who are you!” I muttered getting up. They said no words but rather walked towards me. They got to me and I had no idea what happened next because i heard a loud bang and then... I noticed a shadow of something on the floor, hovering swiftly on my head as it plunged and slammed my skull so harshly that my eyes instantly blurred. I knew i was going to be unconscious, and then… Everything went pitch black. . . . . Get up!" I heard a broad voice grumble as i forced my eyes opened. I had no idea how many hours had passed since I was unconscious. I looked around slowly and noticed I’ve been confined inside a minor space more akin to a room, which barely had anything to adorn its interior, except the illuminating light on. "Stand up, will you?!" The voice growled again as he approached me, jerking and shoving my arm roughly until i let out a low moan of pain. Twitching my lips, i fluttered my eyelids so i could see properly. I was terrified and perplexed. My head, which had been hit some hours back, still ached so badly. "Ah!" An audible gasp escaped my lips. The two hefty men grabbed me and started taking me out. They took me to another place and forced me to knee. "Let me go you bastard!" I growled angrily, as I kept struggling to free myself, from the two hefty men, that held me down on my knees. Looking around the place, I realized that I was in what seemed like a courtroom. "You bastards! I'm so going to deal with you!" I growled angrily, but the idiots paid deaf ears to my threats, they neither said a word, neither did they react, which left me thinking they must be deaf or something. "How can you be harassing a lady in this manner, huh? Don't you have respect, huh!" I yelled angrily, still struggling to free myself from their dirty grip, but it only got worsened, as they tightened their grip on me. Ok now I'm screwed. What the heck is happening here? "Ok I'll be calmed now, just let me go, we can sort this amicably, you know? Just tell me what I've done wrong, I promise, I'll apologize, just stop this harassment." I said calmly, trying to get them to reason with me. The idiots didn't say a word to me. Like, what the heck! Are they dumb? "Are you both dumb or deaf? Don't make me lose it, I promise, you won't like what will happen, if I lose it. I'm warning you now, let me go before I do something nasty." I yelled angrily. "You're going to lose your energy if you continue like that, Imogen." A deep demonic voice filled the place, followed by a dark and intimidating aura, which consumed the entire place. That voice? It sounded so familiar. I looked up and saw him walked in. The stranger I met at the lake who h

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