your aid? Tsk tsk tsk... Arm yourselves and begin working," the Guard shouted loudly, but the Elves
vive. Who knows what fate has befallen him?" question
on for you to labor," he chuckled and blew a whistle. Almost instantly, three guards entered the cave and began lashing t
, referring to Brakor, who was coughing up blood for the umpteenth time. "Are you blin
delivered a blow to Brakor's stomach, causing more blood to spill. "You are destined to perish regardless. Why not hasten the process?" he taunted, preparing to strike again when they heard a comm
sforming into a malevolent grin. "You are fated to die, after all," h
stone dislodged from the wall and rolled in his direction. 'This is the end,' he thought, closing
hair. His hair obscured his ears, and his appearance was captivating. 'Who is this individual? His face
the crimson-haired being pulled him to his feet. "I refuse t
w captive, now standing before him in a transformed state. Apart from his perpetuall
to address," he stated, then turned and exited the cave. Brakor promptly sat on the ground and cast
the presence of a laborer with crimson hair, clad in worker's attire. The mark on his chest had transformed into a tattoo, but on
looking astounded. Kael smirked as he regarded
r appearance, but all things meet their end here," the guard remarked
Trollocs, this guard was insignificant to him. He effortlessly caught th
s amusing was that he was exerting less than 5% of his strength. It was then that Kael had a clearer view of the
zed the opportunity to pull back the axe and thrust it towards Kael's neck, but he was too slo
ing leader of the guards knocked out with a single blow. Two guards rushed towar
catch the weapon mid-air. With a swift motion, Kael pulled the attacker towards him, deftly wrapping the whip around his bod
ed a precise straight kick, connecting with the second guard's chest and causing him to stumble backwards. The clash of bodies and sounds of i
Simultaneously, three guards advanced from the left, their eyes fixed on their target which was no one other than Kael. In a swift and calculated move, he executed a precise 90-degree spin launching the axe w
ds. "Humans are prohibited from entering this region. Their realm lies
what lineage do
med, causing Kael to cover his ears. Enraged, he sw
truly re
is captivating; if
eply indebte
ves are o
efly, sensing a presence behind him. When he turned, it was too late, as a sword pierced his lower abdomen. To his bew
raised his sword, preparing to strike again. A stri
n an instant, his body underwent a vast transformation, turning into that of
it difficult to comprehend this metamorphosis. The guard attempted to remove
explain this?"He inquired
nce more, just as the guard managed to
A: L
e, only to be apprehended with ease. Kael drew him near, dwarfing
owed you to approach me stealthily. I am intrig
shrouded the guard, who let out a horrified scream be
gaze. They feared his potential to harm them, reminiscent of his actions against
nquired of one of the Elves, specifically the one who
in the Palace of Arctic,"the Elf responded, promptin
air. It was revealed to be Brakor, appearing in good health. The Elves who recognized his tru
you are u
well. Whe
ng confusion. None of them were aware of the mysterious re
e result of the flower, not only healing him but also temporarily enhancing his powers. Brakor realized th
led around him, forming sharp ice shards aimed at Lord Arctic. The latter chuc
, followed by another punch that was also evaded by Brakor a
ted, summoning a dark mist that envel
r smirked, while Lord Arctic gri
sensed his presence and swiftly turned to deliver a punch to his nose, ca
ce indicated that he had focused all his energy on the strike, but Lord Arctic effortlessly redirected the air with his fingers, sending
earable,"he exclaimed while obser
d spikes, each one targeting Arctic who merely smirked and snapped his fingers. The frosty spik
Why are they heading in our direction?"Kael inquir
ng to neutralize the magic but it was to no
ve an inch,"Kael lamented, struggling to rise but it w