his back. - This should be considered pornography - Melanie comments without thinking. - No, pervert - she drinks her coffee. - This is an advertisement for jeans. You're the one imagining
ve to act as a doormat? Really tell me just one reason why you hate him so much. - I don't even need to say it, you look at that naughty face. - And you look like a spoiled girl and yet you're not. Would you like people to treat you like a daddy's girl? - But of course not... - Then why do you treat him like a chicken? The brunette opens her mouth to respond, but it's difficult to argue. - You've seen the news about him - she finds a point. - And have you looked at the news about you? - makes her shut up. - You know as well as I do that the media is very fanciful and that it has a side. I doubt you would like to be judged by the things that appear in magazines. Melanie drives with her head down for the ear tug, so embarrassed that she can't even open her mouth. - The question is, do you want to spend the rest of your life taking out the anger your father gives you on your husband? Is it worth living in a fighting home? - For the rest of your life? - My love, you are married! - makes her wake up. - Hasn't it sunk in yet? Melanie shakes her head no. - Boss, when I get home, I just want to relax and enjoy my husband. You don't need to advance anything now, but it's better to start somewhere. I can't believe you want to come home and start fighting as soon as you see him. - I don't want this... - she says softly. - Then you need to stop being so stubborn and sort things out with him. By behaving like this, you're just giving him reasons to find someone else. Silence reigns in the vehicle, making Amanda's words echo in the brunette's head. - I hate it when you're right - Melanie snorts, earning a laugh from her friend. As much as she didn't want to admit it, Amanda was right in everything she said. She had judged Christopher by his appearance and taken out all the anger she felt about that marriage on him, when it was her father who practically sold her. Melanie already left a home full of fights and didn't want to enter another, so she would make an effort to try to restart things with her husband and at least try to be friends. 2 Getting settled in Queens, Melanie and Amanda walk hurriedly, ready to take the first taxi to return to Manhatta