img Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon  /  Chapter 4 HESITATION | 10.26%
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Word Count: 2372    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

to, and she was in love with him. Each was sensible o

the state of his feelings toward Minha

t do better than wish to marry my sister. Leave it to me! I will commence by speaking to t

afterward h

which she did not know; Yaquita had al

here was no need for much eloquence. At the first words the head of the gentle girl was laid

the question; that was obvious

once speak to him about the marriage, it was because they wished at the same time to touch on a ques

iction of the Padre Passanha, who was then the curate of Iquitos parish. At that time, as now, there was no distinction in Brazil between the civil and

nd ceremonies and the attendance of the whole staff of the fazenda, but if such

aldez is an invalid; she cannot visit Iquitos, and I should not like to become her daughter without knowing and being known b

at his marriage. Benito had approved the scheme without hesitation, and it was only necessary to persuade Joam Garral

ral, who had just come in, was half-reclining on a couch of plaited bamb

could not but be assured by the marriage, and Joam would be glad to welcome to his arms the new son whose sterling qualiti

gently flowing to the east, invited him to follow its course; though Joam every year sent rafts of wood to Manaos, to Belem, and the seacoast of Para; t

he fazender sold on the spot. He had no wish, either with tho

something of that beautiful country of which Benito was often talking was not wanting, nevertheless. Two or three times Yaquita had sounded her husband in the matter. But she had not

ome? Are we not

tive kindness and unchangeable tenderness render

y her to Belem, where she was going to live with her husband. She would there see and learn to love the mother of Manoel Valdez. How could Joam Garral hesitate in the f

with that gentle voice which had be

u about something which we ardently wish, a

bout, Yaquita

is loved by her, and in this uni

ing able to control a sudden start. His eyes were immediately c

matter with y

t married!" m

ection to make to the marriage? Have you not for some time notice

d a year

master of himself. The unaccountable impression which had been made upon him disappeared. Gra

took h

idea that this marriage would one day take place, an

quita, this wedding-this wedding that we are b

off when you

take place he

ter which she had at heart. She did not do so, however,

aughter to the provinces of the Lower Amazon, and to Para, where we have never been. The cares of the fazenda, the works which have required your presence, have not allowed you to grant our request. To absent yourself even

under the shock of some sorrowful recollection. At the same time a half-smile c

think of the separation which is so near! But I should be content if I could accompany her to Belem! Does it not seem right to you, even in other respects that we should know her husband's mother, who is to replace me, and to whom we are ab

a Joam made a movement w

even to the provinces on the seacoast through which it runs! It seems to me that the separation would be so much less cruel! As we came back we should revisit our

on his wife and looked at her for

all who belonged to him? His business affairs could not afford a sufficient reason. A few weeks of absence would not compromise matte

husband's hands in hers,

rished desire. Our children know why I am now talking to you. Minha, Benito, Manoel, all ask this favor, that we should accompany them. We would all rather have the wedding at Belem than at Iquitos. It will be bett

even some trouble which his wife felt but could not explain. A secret battle was being fought under that thoughtful brow. Yaquita got anxious, and almost reproached herself for raising the question. Anyhow, she wa

Then he seemed to give a last look on that glorious nature, on that corner of

e bore a new expression, that of a man who had taken

firm voice. "The journey is n

quita, in her joy. "Thank you

e to her eyes as her husba

ces were heard outside a

after at the threshold, almost at the

onsents!" cried Yaquita.

ord, Joam Garral received the congratulatio

asked Benito, "have you

"Date? We shall see. We

she had first known of Manoel's request. "We shall now see the Amazon in all i

agination was already stirred, con

ich will tell us anything about this magnificent river system! Don't let us travel like blind

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