iday. The weather was splendid, the heat being tempered by the refreshing breezes which blew
ha through the thick woods which bordered the
n who had no intention of going far from their companions in pursuit of any game. Manoel could be trusted for that, and the girls-for
complete, and it was necessary that its construction should not be interrupted for a day, and another was t
the two girls met on the bank at the angle where the two streams joined. One of the blacks went with them. They all embarked in one of the ubas
height of some thirty feet with a sort of halo made of the dainty bran
you are only a stranger in these regions of the Upper Amazon. We are at
one the less mistress of your house in our town of Bel
me here to exchange loving speeches, I imagine.
-not for an inst
will if Minha
ill not
" said Lina
Forget! my brother requires it. All is broken off! As long as this walk lasts we
ure," sa
strangers here," said the youn
for the first time," added t
said Manoel, t
speak, sir?" said she in the
will be glad if your br
"Stupid idea that I had! Be engaged, my fri
e word escaped so naturally that L
noel repaid Minha for the
his sister out of her embarrassment; "
me to forget each other, so as not to spoil your walk. Very well; and now I am going to ask a sacrifice from
are a sp
ou forbi
are flying about so happily among the trees! And the same interdiction with regard to the smaller ga
" said
d we shall save or lose ourselves, an
to refuse, eh?" asked B
uld!" replied
; "I do not refuse; I will
der the splendid trees, whose thick foliage preve
d different species in a square mile. A forester could easily see that no woodman had been there with his hatchet or ax, for the effects of a clearing are visible for many centuries afterward. If the
e bushes, chatting and laughing. In front, when the brambles were too thick, the n
irds in all their varieties, light-blue and ruby red; "tisauras" with long scissors-like tails, looking like detached flowers which the wind blew from branch to branch; blackbirds, with orange plumage bound with brown; golden-edged beccaficos; and "sabias," black as crows; all united
a kind of light fawn-colored sparrow-hawk. If he proudly hooted, displaying in the air the long white plumes of his tail, he in his turn meekly took to
h his eyes than his ears, for the cries and the songs of these thousands of birds were every now and then so penetrating that he was not able to hear what she sai
ach other along the higher branches. Here and there a few cones of the solar rays shot down into the underwood. In fact, in these tropical forests light does not seem to be necessary for their existence. The air is enough for the vegetable gr
with blue wings like shimmering watered silk, leilu butterflies reflexed with gold and striped with fringes of green, agrippina moths, ten inches long, with leaves for wings, maribunda bees, like living emeralds set in sockets of gold, a
repeated the e
you say so," said Benito, "and that
ul things are only lent to us; is it not so, Manoel? They
s a poet himself when his time comes, and he admires as much as we do all t
et now," repl
d Benito. "O! Natu
d imposed on him a genuine privation. There was no lack of game in the
of ostriches, of the species known as "naudus," from four to five feet high, accompanied by their inseparable
as, at a gesture from his sister, he replaced under his ar
as," said Manoel, "for they are
e noxious insects, and just as we ought the insects because they live on small
bushes, and a well-aimed bullet would assuredly have stopped them. Here and there turkeys showed themselves with their milk and coffee-colored plumage; and peccaries, a sort of wild pig highly
ant, already nearly undiscoverable on the banks of the Upper Amazon and its tributaries, pachyderms so dear to the hunters for their rarity, so appreci
fingers, but faithful to h
him, and probably register a master-stroke in sporting annals, if within range
ers, leopards, jaguars, guepars, or cougars, called indifferently oun
d for an instant, "to walk is very w
admire, to visit for the last time these forests of Central America,
Lina wh
other than a silly one," sa
Lina when she has been thinking how to give our wal
sure my idea will please
t is it?"
e that
sted round a gigantic sensitive mimosa, whose leaves
" said
a, "that we try to follow
this liana, no matter what may be the obstacles, thickets, under
, brother!" said Minha; "
ou say that Lina is absurd so as to say
f that will amuse you," returned
t afraid?"
ctions!" sh
hat if you were already on your way and
; "I have no more to say. I o
happy as children hom
mity, like the thread of Ariadne, as far almost as that which the heiress of Mi
under the name of the red "japicanga," whose length sometimes measur
," whose branches have been appropriately compared by Agassiz to long sticks of coral flecked with green. Here round "tucumas," or ficuses, capriciously twisted like centenarian olive-trees, and of which Brazil had fifty-four varieties; here round the kinds of euphorbias, which produce c
hought they had lost their guiding thread! For it was necessary
!" said Lina
nha; "that is not it, that
s right!" s
g!" Manoel would
-continued discussions, in
d rush at the trees and clamber up to the branches enci
ddle of bromelias, "karatas," armed with their sharp prickles, orchids with rosy flowers and violet
liconias, rosy-tasseled calliandras, rhipsalas encircling it like the thread on an electric reel, between the knots of the large
t shouts of joy, and how they resumed
en advancing, and nothing had happened to w
e, and the birds flew away in hundreds, and the monke
e group passed in. If it was a high rock, carpeted with verdure, over
ccording to Humboldt, "accompanies man in the infancy of his civilization," the great provider of the inhabitant of the torrid zones, a banana-tree, was standi
top soon?"
ried Benito, "not without ha
a, "it will soon be time
ss, let us go on ag
er!" adde
he forest, which, becoming clearer,
It became less inconvenient to follow, seeing that they approa
azon. But a bridge of lianas, made of "bejucos," twined together by their interlacing branches, crossed the
ad already stepped on the swingi
d to keep hi
"Benito may go further if he
"Don't be afraid, the liana is getting thinner; we
the young mulatto boldl
replied Minha. "Come along
wayed above the ravine like a swing, and
e interminable cipo, in the direction of the river,
he end of the lia
. Look!" and Benito pointed to the cipo which, lost in the
s that?" as
we had better approach wit
d them to let him go on a bit, and s
nd the black remained mo
, and they saw him rush toward
een, and little adapte
le as a cord, had formed into a slipknot, and the shakings came from the j
tunate fellow, and with a cut of
oel leaned over him, to try and recal
!" murmur
Lina. "He breathes again! His
ut I think it was about
clothed badly enough, much emaciated, an
and a cup and ball in palm wood, of which the ball, m
peated Lina, "and young still! What co
ght to life again, and he opened his eyes and gave an "ahem!" so vigorou
my friend?" Be
er-on, as f
o, at your service; and I am still able to curl and cut your hair, to shave you, and to make you comfortable
made you t
would have duly regretted had the regrets been in another world! But eight hundred leagues of coun
He was one of those wandering barbers who travel on the banks of the Upper Amazon, going from village to village, and putti
ten nothing for forty hours, astray in the forest, h
him, "you will go back with
"you cut me down and I belong to
you think we did well to con
," returne
thought that we should finish by f
fficulties, and on the road to
the good idea she had had of following the liana, and they all started on the road to the fazenda, w