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Chapter 7 Hidden sabotage

Word Count: 1064    |    Released on: 07/08/2024


e walls are closing in. I can't understand how Selene's name remains untarnished in all this mess; her alibi feels too good to be true. It all unfolded so quickly, s

w me like a shadow. The disciplinary action-more like a public execution of my career-will be announced soon after the me

my stomach churns so badly that I walk into the restroom just in case I might have an episode. As I approach, I overhear my junior colleagues discussing me. My failing ma

es echo off the tiles. "Did you hear about Anastasia? First,

or Blake. He must be regr

to my office, head held high despite the knot of anxiety tightening in my chest. Tyler and Secretary Kim come knocking alm

. "The decision will be r

and friends. They have shown unwavering

r true colors. I can't believe she tried

hough the question feels more like a desper

rows curiously and dramatical

marriage too. Everything looks planned," Tyle

s," I continue, trying to maintain a semblance of composure. "Thank you

f," Secretary Kim says before exiting with T

plifying the chaos in my mind. My phone rings, breaking the stillness. It's Mom. She wanted to check on my well-being. I hate to lie

ad," I take a deep breath before continuing, "I p

ou. But are you sure everything is fine?" she as

reason only known to her, but I kn

ork has just been

s, cutting the call. The mention of Blake stings, a

es filled with a mix of pity and curiosity. I force myself to smile, to nod in acknowledgment, but inside I'm crumb

he paperwork in my hand fall to the floor. Her lips curl into a

purrs, "You need t

cking up all the paperwork. "Let's get this ov

usiness, as always. That's why Blake came to me.

"Is that what you call warmth?

with malice. "Oh, darling, you lost him long before I c

you've made a grave mistake. You see, I don't just lose. I come back stronger. An

You think you can scare me? You're nothing

"You may have him now, but you'll never have what I had

my words. But she quickly recovers, her sneer returning.

ing with a mixture of anger and resolv

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