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Chapter 2 Love and shock

Word Count: 1995    |    Released on: 12/08/2024

in my hard work , so I was ready to become Oliver's girlfriend. I left the house very cheerful , now I was going to have a boyfriend of my own . I got to school early and went s

g for Oliver to probably come and look for me, but well I waited and waited till the lunch break was over and lesson resumed. At this moment I was a little worried that what if he was actually joking about this whole love issue. Soon class was over and I was done packing my books and was about to leave and go search f

ught and I also couldn't refuse his offer too. I told him he could do that but I will not allow him to drop me at my house. So the driver came and we sat in the car . Having a luxurious car to drive you to school must be really nice I thought . "Errrm so Amaya about my proposal,I'm eager to know what your decision i

this made him the happiest person on earth right now . He asked me if I don't mind we could pass by the restaurant grab something or an ice cream b

a few things before I heard a knock on the door. It surprised me a little because we mostly don't get visitors so I was wondering who it could be.I hurriedly went to the door to check and I was even more shocked to see Oliver at the door with a bunch of roses and presents in his hand . We exchanged warm greetings and he asked if he could come in , I didn't really know what to say because it was obvious I wasn't expecting him to be there. "Well , yes you can come in " I said . I gave him a seat at the living room and asked if I could offer him anything he told me water will do and I gave him exactly that . We talked for sometime then papa returned home and met him and he also asked a few questions and t

atching necklace, roses , a new pair of heels and a nice dress with a card in it and on the card read " try the

ere is nothing going on , he's one of the students i tutor at school and he's showing his gratitude by giving me these gifts and that's all nothing more. "Amaya , do you think I was born yesterday , a guy walks in with gifts and roses and you take that for showing gratitude , I doubt that " papa said. Well I told papa that Oliver was a good friend and he likes me and is trying to get to know me well probably we could start s

I realized she wasn't breathing. This sent shivers down my spine, could she be dead ? I wiped those thought from my head and rushed to call papa who was sleeping at the living room . He was very alarmed when I told him this and we quickly sent her to the hospital. Getting a cab to the hospital in the middle of the night wasn't easy but we got one and soon we were at the hospital. The nurses at the hospital wasted a little time before they called the doc

ying " as I will be leaving the world soon I want you to take good care of your father and if possible make sure you look for your brother and in this life make sure you achieve what your father and I couldn't achieve, make a better name for yourself and I will be up there watching you every step along the way , I love you so much and tell your brother that I loved him too

rong and console papa because he was more torn apart than I could ever be. We left the hospital and soon we were home . None o

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