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The Howl of new beginnings

The Howl of new beginnings

Author: lsdblackrose_
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Chapter 1 A howl of new beginnings

Word Count: 2781    |    Released on: 14/08/2024

te to escape the constraints of her small-town existence. The stage was set for graduation, a grand celebration of achievement that had her feeling less like a star and more like a prop, lost amidst

ister, sitting on her other side. Meral's sleek blonde hair glinted under the bright lights, ma

tless pursuit of dreams." It felt more like an audition for the world's worst podcast than a memorable ceremony. She shifted in her seat, trying to distract herself

hopeless romantic, seemed completely absorbed by the mushy speeches. "I mean, everyone's talk

t is my own, between me and a suitcase full of Europe

and raised her perfectly shaped eyebrow. "Oh, come on! You can't be se

in between speeches, it hit her hard how not interested she was in the whole 'forever part' right now. Rig

ted a little, trying to decipher whether she found him inspiring or just painfully handsome. He spoke about taking risks, stepping into the

edible coffee shops lined with willow trees in Germany or the ch

was visiting street markets in Cologne and sipping espresso while starin

allow herself to visualize stepping into her future. The thought fluttered through her mind,

rld. When Maya walked across that stage, something magical began to shift within her. She held her head high, suppressing the wave of nerves

om the crowd surged through her, wrapping her in a sense of belongin

een the cheers, a thought broke through the haze. What if, instead of l

g for something else when adventure lingered

e wanted to conquer, to explore every possibility life had to offer. She might not have the Eiffel Tower right i

the wild, cheering and celebrating, and in an instan

gs, and excited chatter, but it was the chatter about futur

lassmate, an eager smile plastered on her face. "Are

all that came out was a s

enly the questions came from all directions, each inquiry feeling like a reminder

bration: families taking photographs, the scent of barbeque wafting from the food truck nearby, and laughter spilling into the summer air like joyful confetti. Al

turned to see her sister, beaming with excitement, her arms

parents polished their proud smiles as Meral produced a beautifully w

bouncing on her toes wi

e-eyed, just as e

ith delicate swirling designs. The moment she opened it, the pages whispered pr

tude. It was a reminder that stories weren't just waiting in distant land

gift for you. We know how much you love to capture your thoughts and dreams. This is a place for yo

anced around again, this time catching the glint of hope in Delbee's eyes, the sparkle of possibilities re

" Maya said, her voice a little shaky

en glow over the celebration, Maya slipped away from the

attress, sighing contentedly. As she lay there, she began to visualize her upcoming trip the cobblestone streets of Paris, the vibrant

d softly, staring at the ceiling as i

re to take TONS of pictures!" Maya replied with a quick thumbs up emoji, then placed her phone down and turned on her side, letting her thoughts drift. It wa

through the house like music. Maya felt a pang of nostalgia mixed with anxiety. She admired the warmth of her family, but the thought of embarking on the n

g stories of wanderlust filled the screen, and for the first time that day, she felt a bubble of excitement brewing in her stomach.

that organization would help calm her nerves. As she scribbled down a list of places she wanted to visit like the Louvre, th

e would need for her journey. Her mind danced with dreams of sipping coffee at a café in Berlin, sketching

sion for adventure and exploration. They would often spend hours daydreaming about distant places a

trip, she made a note to call Delbee later to go over their travel plans together. They had already di

s time to reintegrate into the family gathering. She wanted to share her excit

hatter and joviality. "Hey, everyone!" she called, a bright smile spreading across her face. The warmth of the gat

h kind eyes, smiled and beckoned her over. "We were

lowing with pride. Their laughter echoed in the room, but it was the stories about her journey the chal

g with mischief but betraying a genuine curiosity. He always had a knack for

d, lightheartedly. "I can already imagine myself standing in fron

he were the one going on an adventure. "Can we come with you? What if we ran w

fondly. "You know that's not how it work

ht have to keep our true identities hidden, but im

waited her would not tear them apart, but rather, weave new stories into their family tapestry. She could envision hers

wild ones from our last pack retreat to share! You won't

o underscore his points. That's when she noticed, hidden amongst the laughter, a sense of underlying te

arious challenges lately, and the stories of rogue wolves lurking beyond their territory were becoming more prevalent. As they ga

n thought you could hunt the dreaded " her mot

of their camping trips that had gone awry. His storytelling was seasoned with a healthy dose of humor, allowing M

man quirks and wolfish traits that made their pack uniquely special. Each laugh seemed to echo through

ce tinged with concern. "When you travel, be careful. There are pockets of rogue werewolves out there, and it'

itory never returned. "I'll check in regularly. As her family discussed the possibility, formulating the details of the potential journey filled the room with excitement. They mapped out routes, made lists of supplies, and

t you, Maya. You've shown nothing but responsibility and bravery qualities that are vita

d with love and gra

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