img The Howl of new beginnings  /  Chapter 5 The fight ( Meral) | 83.33%
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Chapter 5 The fight ( Meral)

Word Count: 3557    |    Released on: 14/08/2024

he world that lay ahead. The chaos of human voices echoed against her own racing thoughts, yet everything felt strangely serene in that mome

st in Paris, how to navigate the different cultures, and, most importantly, what delicious food she would try. In her eagerness, she subconsciously tightened her grip around

arrowly avoiding a catastrophic spill onto the stranger. The woman had agile reflex

re nothing. "Although I might have to rethink my location next time I see someon

iced the subtle glow to her skin and the glint in her eyes; the all-too-familiar aura that suggested this woman w

d in friendly greeting. "I didn't mea

been the first time I've been doused in coffee. But let's avoid it happening again!" They b

new culinary delights. Lia listened intently, her interest piqued by Maya's passion. "You have quite the itinerary! Germany has some incredible hidden gems, especi

o experience the Christmas markets there. The atmosphere seems so magical

ou ever make it to Switzerland, I'd love to show you around my pack's territory. The landscapes ar

g! I've heard so much about the Swiss mountains and the culture of the

romise not to let you go without trying some authentic Swiss c

ve journeys, and the joys of being part of such a unique community. Lia spoke fondly of her pa

eet someone who shared her love for travel and adventure, especially someone from a more mystic

the time I traveled to the Scandinavian regions during the summer solstice. Being out in nature, feeling t

eating her own magical memories. "I want to create moments like that while I'm in Eur

felt almost instantaneous. They exchanged stories of their favorite cities, the best t

arts about traveling as a werewolf is the incredible access we get to nature. There's

e moonlight sounds enchanting! I've always wondered

ht not be able to literally run with the wolves, but you can certainly find peace in nature's embrace on your t

that! I've never camped in Europe before, but I think a night under the st

ny even leads tours through the forests, teaching about their history and the wildlife. I

for the connection. The idea of meeting someone local who could provide

arge airport windows and looked out at the increasingly ominous sky. Dark storm clouds were rolling in, heavy and foreboding, casting shadows over the tarmac. The air seemed charged with tension as she coul

ment crackled through the loudspeakers, sharp and jarring against the backdrop of murmuring passengers. "Attention all travelers: due to severe weather, all international flights have been delayed until

ther into despair. Part of her wanted to reach out to her dad, to hear his reassuring voice, but another part a stubborn, defiant part clung to hope that somehow, the storm would abate, and the skies would clear before her

hand, but with a gloomy disposition that no amount of comfort food could remedy. Her father's attempts to lighten her mood with stories f

feeling like a ghost drifting through the halls of her own home. A foul mood enveloped her, clinging to her as she made he

tirring a pot on the stove, her concentration evident in the way she focused on the task at hand. For a moment, Maya considered asking for a bite, but the thought of breaking the

nging the bowls, the silence between them grew heavy. It was interrupted by Meral's voice, laced with

oice barely above a whisper, not

n't just live on cereal," she said, rolling her eyes as she stirred. That was all it took. In seconds, Maya's simmering annoyance bubbled over. "You

nsiveness. "I am just trying to help you! Someone has to teach

ding me of my cooking skills every chance you get

and anger, Meral's hand connected with Maya's cheek a sharp, unexpected slap that took both of them by surprise. The room fell silent, the weight of the slap hanging in the air like a

d out to touch Maya's arm, but Maya stepped back, feeling a torrent of em

felt. "You don't get to take that back. You c

ssed up, okay? I didn't mean to! I just everything has f

pill. "So, you think taking it out on me is the answer?

s. Meral, still struggling to hold back her tears, looked small and vulnerab

could even finish her sentence, Maya had stormed out of the kitchen, her frustration palpable. The sound of the bed

aya was already too wrapped up in her own tumultuous feelings to hear her sister's apology. Meral's heart sank as she stood in

fight with Meral. Swiftly, she changed out of her casual clothes into something more comfortable, grabbed her phone, and hopped down from the balc

phone, unaware of the internal storm brewing within her

l. Can I come over?" Maya replied, h

lbee responded, not sensing the un

to the moon goddess, a practice they cherished. But Maya's mind was a million miles away; all she could think about was her

but Maya barely touched her food. Instead, she found solace in her phone, mindlessly scrolling through messages and social media posts. It wasn't until they start

. Panic set in for a moment as her thoughts raced back to her original plans. "I... I wasn't planning to go," she stammered, her v

ne gentle yet firm. "Attendance is mandatory for all unmated female wolves over the age of 17. Plus," s

vent filled with pressure and unwelcome expectations. The thought of spending the evening surrounded by

e can make it fun! Let's turn it into a girls' night! We'll dress you up, d

etting ready and having to smile and engage with others made her int

torture, but trust me, you'll have stories to tell. Why don't

Maya sighed. "Yeah, we can do that," she r

she glanced at, her spirits sank further. Delbee, however, moved like a whirlwind, pulling out vibrant gowns and slinky options, holding them up with excitement. "Th

pressed her fingers against the fabric, feeling its smoothness, but her mind was elsewhere. Every time she tried t

hy don't we get some ice cream after?" she suggested, trying t

e everything, Delbee was really trying to help. They continued shopping, with Delbee leading the charge,

ging room lights, its form-fitting silhouette made Maya feel just a touch more confident.

asily into the crisp evening air, Maya momentarily forgot her worries. The simple joy of indulging in a creamy scoop of ch

ee finally asked, her tone shifting to one of co

er. "It's just... I don't want to fight with Meral," she admitted, her voice barely above

especially when you're both going through tough times. Maybe it's worth taking a step back and gi

u're right. I just hate that we can't seem to communicat

. You could try writing her a letter or something, you know? Sometimes saying things on pa

ilities. A letter seemed like a safe way to express her feelings without

s over, you can figure things out without the added stress. In the meantime, let's

t perhaps she could find a shred of enjoyment in the evening. "Alright, I'll g

elt a sense of camaraderie settling over her. The lingering tension of the day w

e had her phone blasting upbeat music, which lifted Maya's spirits more than she had thought possible. As they completed their looks Maya

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