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Serpentine Desires

Serpentine Desires

Author: Luna Sads
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Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 1613    |    Released on: 19/08/2024

ped off the plane, a fleeting mist forming in th

truggles would ease her stress, but it only seemed to fuel her anxiety more. She still didn't know what she was doing there or how sh

ed her tuition fee and dorm, she still had to p

ess written on it: Star Square-lane 25-building 56. Seraphina wondered how far it was. She could only spend a limited amount o

visiting a foreign land all alone without her mother. But this time, she had to. Her mother was the one who convinced her to take the scholarship test at Moscow University, and even though she was ready to fail, fortunately, she someho

made her reason for coming here more valid. It was just a matter of two years. To pay back all the debt and loans they owed, she had to become the responsible daughter. For how lon

r coat. The receptionist said she'd find the cabs on the other sid

ssian lessons she took in her undergraduate course. Though her kn

narrowing at the address. "It's far from here," he said in his thick Russian accen

fidgeting with her hands as he

ged in the cigarette

It was almost ninety dollars. She would be left with two hu

so much in times like this. The man looked sceptically at her for a

more, no less,"

e went her nego

t in. The insides were warmer than the outside as she settled in. Her legs ached a

мрачную атмосферу. По меньшей мере 15 российских бизнесменов и руководителей умерли при загадочных обстоятельствах, вызывая подозрения за пределами обычной случайности.

r souls to rest in

ict in Ukraine and ongoing economic sanctions have created a grim atmosphere. At least 15 Russian business

ground. She peered out of the taxi window, the lights of Moscow shining brightly. A nervousness gripped her. She was already missing Texas's warmth. The tall b


d exciting, the radio in the ba

отвратительных инцидентов, таких как смерть от ядовитой слизи лягушки. Многие эксперты, включая Станислава Тейлора и Брай

om strokes to gruesome incidents, such as death from the poisonous slime of a frog. Many experts, including Stanislav T

sh accent jolting her up. Sera glanced at him, unsure if he was a

of the engine. The driver spared her a quick glance through t

tures contorting into a grimace. "Should have

her gaze searching his weathered face for answers. "What

kept on dictating the news. Her ears perked as she caught u

м. Возникают предположения о его причастности к недавнему перестрелке. Обнаруженное близ порта оружие и патр

. And... Judas Romanovsk

ealer. Speculations arise about his involvement in the recent shootout. The weapons and ammunition discovered near the

us she was getting. Calm down. There was no way she'd caught herself amidst the danger. She was just a student. From h

stopped in front of a fancy building. It took her off guard. This couldn't be the hostel? She

ding, she got out of the taxi. The cold air hitting her e

y ducked in and grabbed her trolley b

unsure if she offended him somehow. As long as she knew, that t

ен, в тени мо

. Be careful

her chest. She couldn't pinpoint it, but she could feel it. The

e there really were snakes around and he wanted to warn her to be aware of them. Calming her heart, she swallowed hard and brushed away

with a determined sigh, she got ready


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