img Youth in the Flames of War  /  Chapter 1 Admission to the camp | 20.00%
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Youth in the Flames of War

Youth in the Flames of War

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Chapter 1 Admission to the camp

Word Count: 1188    |    Released on: 19/09/2024

of the Western Asia

and gloomy. A dusty stagecoach came from a long way off, its driver and horse exhausted, its faded body impr

legs, and after that, a black traveling dress, and beyond that, a beautiful young face. A fair, even fa

rveyed the unfamiliar city, picked up her carrying case, refused the

s not a fri

ement slabs were imprinted with deep car tracks, and rainwater covered the large

by another good-luck boy, and before he could bite down, the child's mother rushed out to grab the thief and slapped him across the face, snatched the bread back, cursed, and shoved it at her stil

dragged backward, and thrown out into the street, with thick sputum and blood st

tores to extort money, ignoring thieves fleeing on neighboring streets, and a constable passing by a limp drunka

p and down as it was poked with a wooden stick, and finally was doused with lamp oil and ignited into a ball of fire. The kids dressed

ndow, skimming over the beggar creeping along the side of the road, the homeless man rummaging through the garbage, the urchin w

it were another city a stone's throw away from Val City. Thousands of military personnel are statione

as knocked on in the lazy afternoon, and the Cap


presenting the cold determination of a soldier beyond her playfulness, gave a

inand took the presented file, his eyes pau

, excellent military skills, good performance ...... Sorry, you report


but exclaim ouCaptainch

ed to report to the city of Va

ttributes of the file marked it as not to be probed. The Captain came to his sense

go back alive. It is easy to get involved in the fate of the unpredictable for the sake of the future or to avoid it. The

ng for duty, take

ly inquired. "Please,

shortage of men, and just-" It was a rare beauty, and the Captain'

ch Battalion into ten companies. The company commander of the Third Battalion's fifth company

high combat effectiveness

a hideous scar on his cheek that was hard to look at and especially frightening when angry. His fie

c tra


w to use


thirty minutes. Hopefully, you didn't j

d not to fight them, Hans cursed his sup

sult is that those assigned are either recruits or women, and there might be a chance to train in other leisure times. Still, at the moment, it is just in time for the insurgents in the city of Vallejo to attack the city hall.

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