img The Wolf's kiss  /  Chapter 3 THE NIGHT OF THE FULL MOON | 11.11%
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Reading History


Word Count: 1623    |    Released on: 05/09/2024

could sense the presence of the wolves, their howls echoing through the trees. But tonight

gathered her supplies, making sure she was ready for anything. But as the hours passed, she bega

e sky. The full moon hung high above her, a glowing beacon in the darkness. And as she watched, she felt

t. She was standing on a mountain, high above the trees. The moonlight shone down on her, ba

an otherworldly light. Sarah felt herself drawn to the wolf, and as she stepped forward, it lowered its head and allowed her to touch it. Its fur was so

een chosen to be the Wolf-Keeper, the protector of the forest and its creatures. You have been chosen to keep the balance,

would entail, but she knew that it was her duty to accept. She was the Wolf-Keeper, and she wo

followed, her steps light and sure. They walked together in silence, the forest falling away behind them. The sky darkened, and

st fear, or all will be lost." Sarah felt a knot of fear in her stomach, but she knew she had n

w nothing but darkness, an endless void that seemed to stretch on forever. The wolf spoke again, its voice calm and stea

g past her, the void opening up beneath her. She closed her eyes, and she felt herself being pulled deeper and

Before her stood a figure, cloaked in shadow, its face hidden from view. Sarah fel

her voice trembling. "W

n the shadow. "I want to know your greatest fear," it said. "I want t

faced so many things in her life, but what scared her the most? She took a deep b

w, you have the strength of the wolf within you, the strength of the forest. You are part of somethin

long. It had kept her from truly embracing the life she wanted to lead. She knew that to move forwa

hrough her. The fear that had been holding her back began to melt away, and she felt a new strength growing within her. Sh

the strength you need to face whatever challenges may come your way. You are now a true Wolf-Keeper, a guardian of the forest and

s. Sarah stood alone in the cavern, but she did not feel afraid. She felt stronger than

coming from a small opening ahead of her. She approached the opening and saw that it led to a beautiful meadow, the sun shining down on the green grass and wi

took a deep breath, savoring the fresh, sweet air. And then, she heard

was the color of the sun, and its eyes were the deep blue of a summer sky. S

s in return. "Thank you," she said. "I am gr

is place. You must be the voice of the forest, the one who speaks for those who cannot speak for themselves. You m

be the voice of the forest. I will do what is right, and I will fight for

egan to walk away. Sarah watched it go, a sense of peace and purpose filling her heart. She knew th

whispering in her mind. "Remember, Sarah," it said. "You are nev

" she said. And then, she turned and began to walk back t

ew that no matter what challenges came her way, she would always have the strength to overcome t

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