img The Wolf's kiss  /  Chapter 4 A BITE TO REMEMBER | 14.81%
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Reading History


Word Count: 2856    |    Released on: 05/09/2024

owled outside. A loud knock on the door made her jump, and she hurried to answer it. When

voice trembling. "My husband, he's been b

do, and she feared the worst. But she took a deep breath and tried to remain calm. "Br

his body shivering. Sarah could see the wound on his arm, the skin around it already turning black. She k

asked the woman, her hands alre

im," the woman begge

apply to the wound. She then turned to the woman, whose eyes were filled with fear and desp

wn her cheeks. Sarah placed her hand on the woman's shoulder, offering what comfort she could. Then, she turned to the man,

and reciting her prayers. And then, just as the sun began to rise, the man's fever broke. He o

arah smiled, but she knew the danger was not over yet. "Yo

pt. Sarah left them in peace, knowing that she had done all she could for now. B

h allowed him to sit up and eat some broth. He thanked

e man said, "but you saved my lif

anything," she said. "I'm simp

lage, when they had been attacked by a pack of wolves. The man had been bitten while trying to protect his wife, and they had bar

ing with gratitude. "You have a kind and brave hear

rah said, her cheeks flushing

"You risked your own life to save mi

an was tiring. "Now, let's make sure you get your rest," she

dy closing. "Thank you," he mu

e couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. She had a feeling that the d

n was right. That very night,

man was dressed in black, his cloak swirling around him, and his face was hidden by a dark

ice low and menacing. "There is something I want, an

s it that you want?" she asked,

power of the forest," he said. "I want to control it, to wield it as

was not something that could be given away, and it was not to be used for selfish gain. She took a dee

forest from you. I have absorbed it into myself, and it is now mine. You are merely a shell, yo

e true, she thought. She had been a guardian of the forest for so long, she had devoted her life t

taken something from her, something that could never be replaced. She felt empty,

m. "The forest is not something that can be owned or controlled. I

k a step towards her. "You dare to defy me?"

She held his gaze, refusing to give in. "It is not yours," she said. "It

a weapon, he pulled out a small pouch, and he tossed it at her feet. The pouch landed with a thud, and it began to glow with a strange, pulsing light

ng. I can take over the forest, one seed at a time. And you will not be able to stop me. Sarah's heart sank. She had not known that the forest's power could be contained in such a way, b

ringing with conviction. "I will protect the forest,

seems we are at an impasse," he said, his voice cold and menacing. "You will not

o defeat him, to stop him from carrying out his plan. But she had no weapons, no way t

her voice shaking slightly.

curiosity on his face. "What kind o

ad to be brave. "If I can defeat you in a contest of wits and strength," she sai

ise in her throat, but she forced herself to stay calm. "If you win, then you can do as you plea

darkness. "Very well," he said. "We have

us see who can tell the best story. The winner w

d in his eyes. "That sounds fair," he said. "I ac

will decide which story is the most worthy. They will judg

ing Sarah space to speak. She took a dee

er name was Lily, and she loved to play in the forest with her friends. But one day, as she was playi

the edge of the forest, she saw something move in the shadows. A huge, glowing pair of eyes stared back at her, and a low growl rumbled throu

breath, expecting the worst. But then, the wolf stopped in front of her, and it lowered its head, as if in greeting. Lily reached out a trembling hand, and the wolf gently nu

m their hiding places, watching her with wide eyes. The wind picked up, swirling around her, and she felt the forest'

was a great clearing, filled with a soft, silver light. And in the center of the clearing stood a mighty oak tree, its br

continued. "The wolf turned to face Lily, and it spoke to her in a voice that seemed to come from the very heart of the forest. 'You have been chosen, Lily,' the wolf said. 'You have been

o the base of the great oak tree. It pressed its paw against the trunk, and the bark began to glow. As the light grew brighter, the wolf spoke again. 'This tree is the heart of the forest,' it said. 'As long as it stands, the forest will be safe. But there are those who would harm it, who would destroy it for their own gain. You must protect it from them, no matter what the

ability to protect them. And in that moment, she felt a deep sense of purpose, a sense of belonging. She was not alone anymore. She was

rest within her, and she knew that she would be ready for whatever challenges lay ahead. The forest would be safe, as long as she remained true to her purpose. She would

ion and courage, and she would carry those lessons with her always. As she reached the edge of the forest, she turned and

ady to begin her new life as a guardian of the forest. But she couldn't help b

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