miles upon the coast of Mangia and Anian, towards the north-east, always finding the
heads the pictures of certain birds called Alcatrarzi, part whereof were made of gold and part of silver; who signified by signs that they were thirty days coming thither, which likewise proveth America by experience to b
t trendeth from thence north-east to fifty degrees of septentrional latitude, being the farthest part that way, which the Portu
directly against the same. And not contented with the judgments of these learned
to be an island, and likewise Greenland; and that Greenland is di
, and Jacques Cartier, who made two voyages into those parts, and
, a learned Italian, and traveller
, has set forth and described this passage in his charts which are yet to be seen in the Queen's Majesty's Privy Gallery at Whitehall, who was sent to make this discovery by King Henry VII. and entered the same straits, affirming that he sailed very far westward with a quarter of t
, so the chapter following shall put you in full assurance of the re