rt-that the greatest armadas the King of Portugal hath cannot without great difficulty pass that way, much less, then, a canoe of India could live in those outrageous sea
e, and the current running that way in like sort, would have driven them westward upon some part of America, for such winds and tides could never have led them from thence to the said place where they were
perished, wanting supply of victuals, not having any place-once leaving the coast of Africa-until they came to America,
adeira, Portugal, Spain, France, England, Ireland, etc., which, if they had done, it is not credible that they should or would have departed undiscovered of the inhabitants; but there was never found in those days any such ship or men, but only
its of Magellan, and falleth with such swiftness and fury into Mare de Sur, that hardly any ship-but not possibly a canoe, with such unskilf
is manifest, because the natives, both of Africa and America, neither had, or have at this day, as is reported, other kind of boats than such as do bear nei