careful of her. She took care she should have nothing to do that she was not fit for. If Nanny had been taken straight from the street, it is pretty sure she would not
soon be a treasure of help. It was great fun to see Diamond teaching her how to hold the baby and wash and dress him. Nanny had never had a little br
that they could afford to ride in cabs. The cabmen got fewer and fewer shillings to live on. Diamond's household
. But when his father came home, Diamond would get out his book and show him how well he could read. Besides he taught Nanny how to read and as she was a very clever little girl,
he was a little sister baby. It would never do, he said, to sing the little brother songs to her. While he sang
d fat, while poor old Diamond had got so thin he was just skin and bones! For Diamond's father was an honest man and felt that he must stick to his promise to feed Ruby while he kept him, whether old Diamond got enough to e
d Diamond in the cab whenever he could be of help that way, and sing to the two babies at home. At last
he was very cross. It had been a stormy winter and even now that spring had come, the north wind often blew. When Diamond went to his bed, which was in a tiny room in the roof, he heard it like the sea, moaning. As he fell asleep, he
ond, come here!" the voic
"I want so much to come to you bu
iamond!" was
yard. A great puff of wind at once came against him. He turned and we
the stable," said Diamond
bove his head. He picked it up, opened the door, and went in without much noise. And what did he hear? He heard the two
aying, "sleek and fat as you are, and so lazy you get al
be fat and la
rily. "Why don't you get up a little speed, while you are drawing a fare, at least! The abuse ma
ard as I could, I'd be
You are a disgrace! Look at the horse next you. He is something like a horse - all skin and b
, if I didn't go slowly
lamed yourself on purpose so you could stay in the stab
to a rack of bones and lamed into the bargain? Do you think anything would make him believe that your master had used me right and as he promised he would? And isn't it better he should live a little hard himself and prove himself t
to go to sleep. The racket he made gave young Diamond a start. With a shiver, he seemed to come awake and see the stable door
working out all right - like things at the back of the north wind?" He got sleepier, however, as he tried to think and was fas
ou come fro
u get your e
sky as I ca
ou get this
nd it came
you come to
of you and s
hat song, Diamond
's mine just the sa
a thing mak
e I love her, and so are you. Love make
. Yes, I think it do
nner he looked very sad. He had not
when he saw how fat Ruby was and how poor was faithful old Diamond - and when, moreover, he remembered how poor and starved the family looked though Nanny was still there and kindly treated - he knew that D
em a fine pair of horses for his country home to which he was now going. And Diamond's father should go
d Mr. Raymond. "If you will, here are twenty
f you ever wish to sell him. I could not part with him without that. Though as to who calls him his, that is
e thought of going to the beautiful country to live and having a yard and grass to play on! It would be
e sang in my ears how bad things are j