img My Fiery Mate  /  Chapter 5 Silent Suffering | 20.83%
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Chapter 5 Silent Suffering

Word Count: 1462    |    Released on: 28/09/2024

t had happened in the bathroom. The soapy water swirled around her, pooling at her feet, as if it too were trying to wash away the

ng you like this. So pathetic and desperate for help. It's really quite amusing." The words stung worse tha

seemed to only be making the image more vivid. Lireal let out a shuddering breath and turned off the water, stepping out of the s

to the kitchen, the smell of her aunt's Nova

door, a faint scent caught her

er heart pounding in her chest as she followed

spread across Lireal's face as she sa

ghing. They looked up, their eyes widening in surprise for a brief moment before regaining their composure and returning to their amusement. Lireal felt her

p. But it was no use; they were stronger than her. As she stared up at their faces, she couldn't help

truggled to remain upright. Willow walked over to Lireal, and bent down to her level, blowing cigarette smoke into her f

the acrid fumes, her eyes w

r skin. The smell of burning flesh filled the air, and Lireal screamed, her voice raw and hoarse. The girls just laughed, their cruel amusement o

nt. With a click of her tongue, she turned to Lireal, who was curled up on the floor, whimpering from the pain. W

all. She avoided eye contact with anyone, preferring to focus on her food, trying to ignore the whispers and glances she could feel at the back of her

of girls surrounded someone, and Lireal recognized the familiar figure of Calix, the most handsome and popular boy in scho

he embarrassment and shame she felt was palpable, and she bowed her head, hoping to avoid any

mocked, his tone dripp

as she looked up at him, her f

you know why I'm here?" he asked, his voice cold

tion like me." He said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Lireal's face flushed even more as she looked down,

ver the murmurs of the surrounding students. "I didn't mean anything b

ay. The cafeteria fell silent as everyone watched the exchange, anticipating what w

She wanted nothing more than to disappear, to melt away into the background and vanish. "Go pick it up, it isn't nice to litter, is it?" Calix sneered, kicking the milk carton acro

e, she could feel the weight of the entire school's hatred bearing down on her. She wanted to scream, to fight back, but she was

the milk carton, and carried

re to go, she just wanted to escape. She wandered the halls, tears streaming down her face, her shoulders hunched in a vain attempt to make herself

e toilet, sobbing uncontrollably. The sound of her own tears and labored breathing filled the small space, echoing in her ears and reminding h

er and jeers hadn't died down; if anything, they seemed to have grown louder. She never had any friends to begin with, and now she was more isolated than ever. The only glimmer of hope that kep

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