img The Legend Mafia Slave  /  Chapter 5 POV Mande | 16.67%
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Chapter 5 POV Mande

Word Count: 894    |    Released on: 18/11/2024

ice long enough to know that threats were always lurking, yet somehow, this attack felt like a betrayal of everything that place was supposed t

owards the stairs, my mind filled with only one thought: Julianna. She was upstairs with Makidi. I knew Mr. Jackson wasn't thrill

hallway, and there was Mr. Jackson, his face a mask of fury and fear. He was shouting orders, rallying his men, and when he saw m

oom, barely dressed, their eyes wide with alarm. "Mande!" she called, relief flooding her vo

" I whispered urgently, pul

this on us!" he roared, his gun clenched in his hand. "You brought this into

rotect us-trust me!" she cried, her voice trembling but determined. I saw the flash of emotion in her eyes, the l

the last floor," he said, his voice steady despite the fear I knew he was feeling. It was our only chance, and I clung to Ju

ng. I grabbed Julianna, shielding her as best I could, while Mr. Jackson fought to pull himself up, blood dripping from a cut on hi

owled, his voice low and de

He threw himself forward, firing at them, a storm of bullets filling the air. But then I saw him go down, his body crumpling as they overpowered him. A horrible scream

king back. I'd seen many strong men in my time, but I'd never seen anyone with such a fire in his eyes. He was figh

d, finally letting go of Julianna, who fell into my arms, sobbing. We were safe...for now. But Mr. Jackson was gone. The ma

d around her. Makidi's face was pale, his eyes dark with rage and

though I wasn't sure if he was speaking to me,

fe for us, and as I looked at him, I knew that Mr. Jackson's death wouldn't be in vain. We would

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