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Chapter 6 POV Mande

Word Count: 928    |    Released on: 18/11/2024

n, but even then, she made her choices fast, splitting us up to survive. She looked at me with those fierce,

l, a look that held years of love and trust. Then she turned to Bryan, her fath

n. He touched her hand, briefly, and then he was gone, moving with Bryan back into the chaos. I could fe

rward. I'd served this family long enough to know that loyalty meant everything-and Julianna had always been more than just my employer. As we got finally out to of the tunnel we found a Lexus keep packed as if it has been expec

ng her lips. I caught her as she fell, my hands shaking as I pressed against the wound in her side. Blood seeped t

Mande," Julianna whispered, her voice barely audible over th

eld her close. "Don't say that, Julianna. We'll

ed. "I'm sure Makidi will survive this but I won't

as her words sank in. "Anything, ch

d an orphaned child... adopt her as if she's mine. Give Makidi someone to love, someone to hold on

nal moments, she wanted to give Makidi something, a legacy, a piece of her tha

, that I would do as she asked, that I would honor her last wish. I sw

arms, her breathing slowing as the life faded from her. I held her clo

e gate, I couldn't think straight as I was led by two hefty guys into "Makidi's Court" that was straight ahead of me, I couldn't turn around to look at my side in other for me to inspect the building, but then my expectations was to at least find not less than two women in the apartment as a wife and a maid, but I was shocked to find Makidi alone in the building standing in the opposite

me true. Through this child, her legacy would live on, and Makidi would never have to feel the emptiness she'd left behind

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