img Tempted by Sin  /  Chapter 10 SWAT | 26.32%
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Chapter 10 SWAT

Word Count: 1712    |    Released on: 26/11/2024



within the house, but it sounded close. I'm disoriented with sleep-crusted eyes

ear a peep from him throughout the day. I don't know what he does when he isn't bringing me food and wa

the sound of rushing footsteps. Not just o

decided to sell me to a group of traffic

ilding in my chest. Fear nips at my fingers as a million and one scenarios race through m

s open? I have no doubt my life wil

gainst the wall behind it with a violent bang. But I don't see the masked man rush int

we stare at each other, neither of us moving an inch. Two other men dressed i

washes through my veins. I relax against the hea

his head is covered by a helmet, but his deep

tare back at them. I open my mouth to speak, bu

om, one already speaking into a walkie-talkie. The first man steps forward, slipping his gun back

lace. I throw the sheet off my body, ready to tell the officer about the chain around my ankle, but to my surprise, the ch

it off? When he left me last night, thoroughly ex

about it, where

lowing him to help me off the bed. After he cleaned me up last night, my kidnapper provided me with a c

pt them as

und the room I have been trapped in

locate him as of yet. But rest assured, we have our best men on the job. We will find him. From what we have surv

his trouble to kidnap me, keep me trapped here for seven days, and

all–besides my dignity a

is makes a

the floorboards creaking beneath us, I realize it's not as long as I thought it was. Or maybe that was just my i

ork handging on the beige walls, the kitchen cabinets, and appliances have seen better days, and the cushions on the couch have holes and burn marks sca

en sleeping on the co

s. As much as I've dreamed about feeling the warm sunlight on my skin, I wasn't expecting how much it would hur

tter which way I turn, thick green foliage meets my gaze. It doesn't

e have someone wa

to make sense of the number of officers lingering around, talking on their phones or to each other. A

turns away from the officer he's talking to and meets my gaze. A smi

again, and now that I'm looking at him

Liam is r

ace, I'm unable to stop the waterworks. Tears stream down my face as he brushes h

y," Liam murmurs against my hair

tton-down shirt. I'm creating a mess, I know, but I'm helpless to stop it. My emotions are all over the place. Guilt is

g my back with his other hand. "

ift my head to meet his gray

h as much information as possible that could be used to track you down. We have spent every waking moment the past seven days trying to locate you, an

the tears slow. Being in his arms still doesn't feel real, but I know now I'm

did everything he could to help me, and I'll be forever grateful for his dedication. All those nights I

ore tears to my eyes. "I love you too, Pae. Now, let's go get you checked out. The fu

he shack, the stronger the memories become of what occurred while I was trapped inside. No matter how hard I push them to the back of

over, but I'm lost once again in the deepest part of th

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