img The Crime of the French Café and Other Stories  /  Chapter 6 MRS. JOHN JONES. | 21.43%
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Reading History

Chapter 6 MRS. JOHN JONES.

Word Count: 1517    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

in the case until the next afternoon

with Superint

the time," said the superintendent. "I'm beginning t

s so," s

ght in. The superintendent loo

who read the name. The two men ex

Nick; "well, this puts a

ply. "I'm mighty glad you happe

ght the card, and directed that Mrs.

same height as the unfortunate victim of the trag

ne, but the coloring was similar. There was a

s luxuriant. But nobody would ever have mistaken one

s. John Jones, to all appearances, wore the very sam

y nervous, but she made a fi

I believe," she said. "And he is

, but it was rathe

nt motioned the

e," he said, "and he i

tainly appeared to be evidence against him, but of co


tted. At half-past seven o'clock of that evening

The people who say they s

intention to take an afternoo

dinner. Nobody saw us g

nd I took the eight-ten train for my ho

with friends throughout the day and night. Then I went to

bell. Two minutes later John

med he. "How

tely. The woman, who had controlled herself up to this p

d the devil with my business and scared my wife into a fit. Now let me out, and

t he made a secret sig

d Byrnes, calmly. "I regret that it

t you," said Jones. "It was that ma

wing to the superintendent, walked out

ll a man?"

aid Nick. "My forc

said the sup

enly that he seemed to

ere," said Byrnes. "You are under Mr. C


s," said Nick, "except that yo

d vanished almost as qu

rave was on guard outside the flat, the addr

me along the street, calling


in Nick Carter's voice,

ployment agency on Sixth avenue. They

the girl followed them. Mr. and M

u sure

o way to get out of th

t the fir

ich you can see. The little yard back

rs. Jones mus


the g

lly to the grocer's or the butcher's around the corner. I don't know wh

I'm going

en him. He did it in the hall of the flat house, while

im on the u

ognized Nick, "isn't this going a li

Jones a few questions if

t very s

er if she is wi

I w

have to use

Amy is sick with all this worry. She's just

aid Nick. "

usgrave, who was standing in a dark pl

n that window?" asked Ni


id that his wife had just gone to bed. That wi

een no lig

e fooled you

do you

at Mrs. Jo

't be p

one out disguised a

t. Why, the girl's

t made the trick easier. A black face is a goo


hether the colored

n you g

that shaft. They'll have made her go in there so that her

se near by, where he secur

not to put Jones on his guard. It would not have be

e building next door to the fl

vered with a framework, in whic

ade his rope fast, and crept throug

ext to the top, so Ni

stretch of empty air un

ty feet below the level of the window which opene

ly. One glance through it

, reading a book. Nick's s

in the air shaft. He had a hard climb

yes rested on the girl

e rope suddenly gave way, and he found hi

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