nderloin" district which provides its patrons with
putation is not strictly first-class in some respects, its
he one on the side street i
ning Nick Carter was standing abou
to a house on the side street, an
have the business managed quietly. This affair would not be worth mentioning, except that it led Nick to one o
saw a closed carriage stop before
hite apron, came hurriedly out of the side door and got in
very peculiar. The waiter had act
hastily from side to side, as if afr
urant's patrons, or possibly its proprietor. If Nick had had
n for whom the detective was wa
d not have to go far, for Chick was waiting on Sixth ave
is case over to his famous assistant, and return to clear up th
but it was as quiet as usual. He entered by the side door, ascended a fl
hould put down their names as in a hotel bef
s nobody
building, and there were three room
into these rooms, and then turned toward the desk. As he did
Gaspard. He was the head waiter,
k, "who's your waiter o
ective really was, but he remembered him as one who had assisted the poli
ied Gaspard. "I hop
," said Nick. "What sort
very thin. He has long, black hair, a
nt him out f
; he is
at the front. We have
" said Nick. "I want
d off at right angles with that in which Nick was stan
ngs of the building. Nick glanced at the register, and saw that "R.M. Clark and wife"
o note these entries on the boo
lips were working as if he were saying s
hat he had seen must have been horrible, to judge
before, and he did not waste time tryin
llow by the shoulder and pushed him
idently he did not want to see again
rasp. In five seconds they stood
nd there was a brigh
untasted. It illumined the gaudy furnishings of
d and perfectly white, except for a horrib
nt hair of a light corn color, which clustered in little curls around
pallid face, the fixed and glassy eyes, and the grim wound upon t
ong in that house. The waiter who had run across the sidewalk and got into that carriage ha
looked for a robbery, or, perhaps, a secret and bloody quarrel
ed her to be elegant in dres
n with the missing Corbut, unless,
the crime, there was another person, at least, as
house? How was it possible to account for his absen
explanation. Whether it was the tr
waiter had sunk down on a chair b
be a man without nerve, and he was not surpris
beside the table. The detective opened it and ma
to the man, and he was a
Apparently the tragedy was known only to Gaspa
woman when she cam
nd the man with h
ited on
on the peopl
gone, I
in there before
e any of th
the t
d that
all to call Corbut, who had not
one was
an in
o you
other man, later, c
s ro
e sure
e see
e man came out and glanced around, but I stepped back quickly, becaus
the lady went with him, for I was sure
as Corbu
did he s
n was called by a waiter upstairs. Just as I tur
u speak
to stay by the desk
he an
said 'ver
the last you
Corbut. Now for the two
m A. I didn't notic
o came out of this room?
ard, slowly. "Yes; I feel sur
ing for a messenger. When he comes, send him here. Don't let anyb
ry pale face, went
alone with the