img The Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth  /  Chapter 4 No.4 | 7.84%
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Reading History

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 1953    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

really able to prepare it, upon tadpoles. One always does try this sort

s necessary for an investigation into the Diurnal Variation in the Butting Frequency of the Young Bull Calf, an investigation that was yielding curves of a

e and a sink and a dust-tight cupboard of refuge from the weekly storm of cleaning she would not forego. And having known people addicted to drink, she regarded his solicitude for distinction in learned societies as an excellent substitute for the coarser form of depravity. But any sort of living things in quantity, "wriggly" as they were bound to be alive and "smelly" dead, she could not and would not abide. She said

his would at once have twenty thousand properly-fitted cubic feet of laboratory placed at his disposal, and she said she was glad and always had been glad that she was not a German; he said that it would make him famous for ever, and she said it was much more likely to make him ill to have a lot of tadpoles in a flat like theirs; he said he was master in his own house, and she said that rather than wait on a

to, and the prospect of ever trying the Food of the Gods upon tad

scovery, so soon as he had his substance isolated and prepared. For some days he meditated upon the possibility of boarding out his tad

vely larger. Chicks are so accessible, so easily fed and observed, so much drier to handle and measure, that for his purpose tadpoles seemed to him now, in comparison with them, quite wild and uncontrollable beasts. He was quite puzzle

assert their right to have their material big. That was why he was doing his present series of experiments at the Bond Street College upon Bull Calves, in spite of a certain amount of inconvenience to the students and professors of other subjects caused by their incidental levity in the corridors. But the curves he was getting were quite exceptionally interesting, and

btained. Accordingly he alternated his work in the laboratory of his flat with farm hunting up and down the lines that run southward out of London, and his peering spectacles, his simple baldness, and his lacerated cloth shoes filled the owner

night. A humped shoulder of down cut it off from the sunset, and a gaunt well with a shattered penthouse dwarfed the dwelling. The little house was creeperless, several windows were broken,

chen capable of accommodating a series of incubators and foster mothers with the very minimum of alteration. He took the place there and then; on his way back to London he stopped at Dunton Green and

. This latter point Mr. Bensington did not observe, because nothing destroys the powers of general observation quite so much as a life of experimental science. They were named Ski

colour (so far as her dress had any colour) slashed in one place with red flannel. She let him in and talked to him guardedly and peered at him round and over her nose, while Mr. Skinner she alleged made some alteration in his toilette. She had one tooth that got into her articulations and she held h

ifest shortness of buttons. He held his coat and shirt together with one hand and traced patterns on the black-and-gold tablecloth with the index finger of the other, while his disengaged eye watch

ttle tailoring. "It ithn't the thmart plathe I thought it wath, and what I get ithent thkar

jobbing carpenter from Hickleybrow was diversifying the task of erect

r. Skinner. "But as far as I can make 'im

bit Dotty," said the ca

bout poultry," said Mr.

knew nothin' about

carpenter from Hickleybrow; "w

e regarded the distant village, and one was bright and wicked. "Got to be meathured every blethed day-every b

shoulders very much-and only the other eye of him failed to participate in his laughter. Then doubti

; I'm dratted if 'e ain't," sai

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