img The Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth  /  Chapter 5 No.5 | 9.80%
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Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 1595    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

his first dream of enormous possibilities was replaced by a crumb of realisation. He had taken the Experimental Farm in October, and it was May before the first inklings of suc

ven chin-he was always unshaven most miraculously and yet never bearded-with a flattened hand, and look at M

s herald was a letter in the long

egular Giants, and eating as such. We shall want more com very soon, for you never saw such chicks to eat. Bigger than Bantams. Going on at this rate, they ought to be a bird for show, rank as they are. Plymouth Rocks won't be in it. Had a scare last night thinking that cat was at them, and when I looked out at the window could have sworn I see her getting in under the wire. The chicks was all awak



ith which some Herakleophorbia II. had got itself mixed w

long sought goal. The next morning he alighted at Urshot station, and in the bag in his hand he car

then along the green glades of the Hickleybrow preserves. The trees were all dusted with the green spangles of high spring, the hedges were full of stitchwort and campion and the woods of blue hyacinths and purple orc

the happiest day in his life. And when in the sunlit run by the sandy bank under the shadow of the pine trees he saw the chicks that had eaten the food he had mixed for them, gigantic and gawky, bigger a

hoes once or twice he got out again, and watched these monsters through the wire netting. He peered clo

they're grown up ith im


rse," said M

ar," said

g!" said Mr. Bensington. "They'd cut

ing at thith pathe tho

id Mr. B

hith thort. They begin rank, but

was a

t," said Mr. Sk

urned his glasse

d Mr. Skinner, with his better eye piously uplifted

; after the clear promises and before the practical realisation arrives there comes almost always year after year of intricate contrivance, and here-here was the Foods of the Gods arriving after less than a year of testing! It se

. And by the side of an ordinary chick I sho

r to his wife. "He'th ath pleathed ath Punth about the way we got

old food of hith," he said behind his hands and made a n

ess of the Skinner couple more vividly than he had ever seen it before. But his comments were of the gentlest. The fencing of many of the runs was out of order, but he see

folded, smiling coyly behind her nose. "We don't seem

der. The Skinners were the sort of people who find a use for cracked saucers and old cans and pickle jars and mustard boxes, and the place was littered with these. In one corner a great pile of apples that Skinner had saved

en when he found a wasp regaling itself in a gallipot half full of Herakleophorbia IV, he simply rema

s mind-"I think, Skinner-you know, I shall kill one of these chicks-as a specimen.

ther gallipot and then took o

y much, to have some relic-some memento-of t

, "you don't give tho

, we know far too much about the management of fowlth

se-I thought I noticed the bones of a rabbit

hey found they were the larger bones

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