f talented people and also powerf
en the ravenshades {Also One of the most powerful people in their generation}, Which lasted for few years Fighting over power with the people of Brindlewick.After getting the herbs
because of her fairness saying " she's different from us, where did he find her, Who
river side and she has no where to go, when she's all okay we are going to ask her
ed, which might notify them if she's either a spy or a victim.So the meeting continu
d,waiting for a miracle to happen.This Situation let down the mood of the who
a little bit better but has mutism(inability to talk) and
ecause she might have the information on what
he one taking care of her (Marcus) gave her a name Nashit meaning "she was found".Time goes on and she was okay with the environment
e village was peaceful and easy going, and feelings erupted among the two {Marcus and Nashit} . With that they be
the surroundings brighter, loving and filled with happiness. There was a beautiful s
espective houses and abode. Marcus and Nashit were happy